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Created April 1, 2021 21:36
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Rose trees, continuation-passing style
type ContinuationMonad() =
member __.Bind(m, f) = fun c -> m (fun a -> f a c)
member __.Return(x) = fun k -> k x
let cont = ContinuationMonad()
let rec reduce fs =
cont {
match fs with
| [] -> return []
| head :: tail ->
let! result = head
let! results = reduce tail
return result :: results
type 'a Tree = Node of 'a * 'a Tree list
let leaf a = Node (a, [])
let rec findMax (Node (i, chld)) =
cont {
let! maxVals = chld |> findMax |> reduce
return List.max (i :: maxVals)
let main argv =
let t = Node (1, [ leaf 2; leaf 3 ])
findMax t (printfn "%A") // will be 3
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