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Last active April 23, 2021 14:34
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Arrow tutorial
module Operators =
let uncurry f (a, b) = f a b
let cnst x _ = x
type Circuit<'a, 'b> = Cir of TransitionFunction<'a, 'b>
and TransitionFunction<'a, 'b> = 'a -> Circuit<'a, 'b> * 'b
module Circuit =
/// Lifts a function into a circuit.
let rec arr f =
Cir (fun a -> arr f, f a)
/// Composes two circuits, left to right.
let rec (>>>) (Cir tf1) (Cir tf2) =
Cir (fun a ->
let cir1', b = tf1 a
let cir2', c = tf2 b
cir1' >>> cir2', c)
/// Composes two circuits, right to left.
let rec (<<<) (Cir tf1) (Cir tf2) =
Cir (fun a ->
let cir2', b = tf2 a
let cir1', c = tf1 b
cir1' <<< cir2', c)
/// Combines two circuits in parallel.
let rec ( ***) (Cir tf1) (Cir tf2) =
Cir (fun (a, b) ->
let cir1', c = tf1 a
let cir2', d = tf2 b
cir1' *** cir2', (c, d))
/// Composes a function with a circuit, left to right.
let (^>>) f cir =
arr f >>> cir
/// Shares an input between two circuits.
let rec (&&&) cir1 cir2 =
(fun a -> (a, a)) ^>> (cir1 *** cir2)
let rec first cir =
cir *** arr id
let rec second cir =
arr id *** cir
let arr2 f =
f |> uncurry |> arr
module Test =
open Circuit
/// Runs a circuit.
let rec run (Cir tf) = function
| a :: tail ->
let cir', b = tf a
b :: run cir' tail
| [] -> []
let rec accum acc f =
Cir (fun input ->
let output, acc' = f input acc
accum acc' f, output)
let accum' acc f =
accum acc (fun input acc ->
let acc' = f input acc
acc', acc')
let total = accum' 0.0 (+)
let mean =
(total &&& (cnst 1.0 ^>> total)) >>> (arr2 (/)) Test.mean [0.0; 10.0; 7.0; 8.0]
|> printfn "%A"
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