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Last active February 29, 2016 01:37
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Audio AMP code updated for Photon
This is a library for the Adafruit TPA2016D2 Class D Amplifier Breakout
Pick one up today in the adafruit shop!
This amplifier uses I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface
Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
products from Adafruit!
Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
#include "application.h"
#include <Adafruit_TPA2016.h>
Adafruit_TPA2016::Adafruit_TPA2016(void) {
boolean Adafruit_TPA2016::begin() {
return true;
// Set the gain in dB!
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setGain(int8_t g) {
if (g > 30) g = 30;
if (g < -28) g = -28;
write8(TPA2016_GAIN, g);
// for querying the gain, returns in dB
int8_t Adafruit_TPA2016::getGain(void) {
return read8(TPA2016_GAIN);
// Turn on/off right and left channels
void Adafruit_TPA2016::enableChannel(boolean r, boolean l) {
uint8_t setup = read8(TPA2016_SETUP);
if (r)
setup |= TPA2016_SETUP_R_EN;
setup &= ~TPA2016_SETUP_R_EN;
if (l)
setup |= TPA2016_SETUP_L_EN;
setup &= ~TPA2016_SETUP_L_EN;
write8(TPA2016_SETUP, setup);
// Set to OFF, 1:2, 1:4 or 1:8
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setAGCCompression(uint8_t x) {
if (x > 3) return; // only 2 bits!
uint8_t agc = read8(TPA2016_AGC);
agc &= ~(0x03); // mask off bottom 2 bits
agc |= x; // set the compression ratio.
write8(TPA2016_AGC, agc);
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setReleaseControl(uint8_t release) {
if (release > 0x3F) return; // only 6 bits!
write8(TPA2016_REL, release);
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setAttackControl(uint8_t attack) {
if (attack > 0x3F) return; // only 6 bits!
write8(TPA2016_ATK, attack);
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setHoldControl(uint8_t hold) {
if (hold > 0x3F) return; // only 6 bits!
write8(TPA2016_HOLD, hold);
// Turn on power limiter
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setLimitLevelOn(void) {
uint8_t agc = read8(TPA2016_AGCLIMIT);
agc &= ~(0x80); // mask off top bit
write8(TPA2016_AGCLIMIT, agc);
// Turn off power limiter
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setLimitLevelOff(void) {
uint8_t agc = read8(TPA2016_AGCLIMIT);
agc |= 0x80; // turn on top bit
write8(TPA2016_AGCLIMIT, agc);
// Set limit levels
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setLimitLevel(uint8_t limit) {
if (limit > 31) return;
uint8_t agc = read8(TPA2016_AGCLIMIT);
agc &= ~(0x1F); // mask off bottom 5 bits
agc |= limit; // set the limit level.
write8(TPA2016_AGCLIMIT, agc);
void Adafruit_TPA2016::setAGCMaxGain(uint8_t x) {
if (x > 12) return; // max gain max is 12 (30dB)
uint8_t agc = read8(TPA2016_AGC);
agc &= ~(0xF0); // mask off top 4 bits
agc |= (x << 4); // set the max gain
write8(TPA2016_AGC, agc);
// Read 1 byte from the i2c bus at 'address'
uint8_t Adafruit_TPA2016::read8(uint8_t address)
Wire.requestFrom(TPA2016_I2CADDR, 1);
// write 1 byte
void Adafruit_TPA2016::write8(uint8_t address, uint8_t data)
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