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Last active July 16, 2016 14:35
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Save brezniczky/2bc925b05d9321bf5bef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Blogger code #4 (A more efficient filter, full code)
file.size.bytes = 1024 * 256
default.window.width = 256
# symbols in the range [0:(symbol.count - 1)] are expected
symbol.count = 256
set.seed(0) =
sample(x = 0:(symbol.count - 1), replace = TRUE, size = file.size.bytes)
# The below is a slightly modified version of the example code at
# The code published by Derek Jones takes a 5x less frequent approach.
origi.count = function(t, window_width = default.window.width) {
if (length(t) < window_width) {
return(rep(0, 0))
# 5x denser than the original one
cnt_points = 1:(length(t) - window_width + 1)
# here's the original bit
u=sapply(cnt_points, function(X) length(unique(t[X:(X+window_width)])))
count.positives = function(x) {
return(sum(x > 0))
get.initial.freqs = function(x, window.width) {
frequency = rep(0, symbol.count)
for(i in 1:window.width) {
frequency[x[i] + 1] = frequency[x[i] + 1] + 1
quicker.count = function(x, window.width = default.window.width) {
if (length(x) < window.width) {
return(rep(0, 0))
n.positions = length(x) - window.width + 1
# initialize counts over the first window position
frequency = get.initial.freqs(x, window.width)
ans = rep(0, n.positions)
ans[1] = count.positives(frequency)
# start and do the counting
for(i in 2:n.positions) {
# the value leaving the window is the first item in the
# previous window, i.e. data[i - 1] = x[i - 1] + 1
frequency[] = frequency[] - 1
# the value entering the window is the last item in the
# current window = x[i + window.width - 1] + 1
frequency[] = frequency[] + 1
ans[i] = count.positives(frequency)
quicker.count.2 = function(x, window.width = default.window.width) {
if (length(x) < window.width) {
return(rep(0, 0))
n.positions = length(x) - window.width + 1
# find out the frequencies & count of unique symbols at the first position
frequency = get.initial.freqs(x, window.width)
ans = rep(0, n.positions)
ans[1] = count.positives(frequency)
count = ans[1]
for(i in 2:n.positions) { = x[i - 1] + 1
# the value leaving the window is the first item in the
# previous window
frequency[] = frequency[] - 1
if (frequency[] == 0) {
# maintain the count value: symbol no longer present in the window
count = count - 1
# the value entering the window is the last item in the
# current window = x[i + window.width - 1] + 1
frequency[] = frequency[] + 1
if (frequency[] == 1) {
# maintain the count value: symbol just detected in the window
count = count + 1
ans[i] = count
wait2 = function() {
date1 = date()
while (date1 == date()) {
date2 = date()
while (date2 == date()) {
# allow the CPU to get up to speed using a busy wait of 1..2 seconds
t1 = system.time({
counts1 = origi.count(, default.window.width - 1)
t2 = system.time({
counts2 = quicker.count(
t3 = system.time({
counts3 = quicker.count.2(
# could use for verification:
# print(head(cbind(head(counts1, length(counts2)), counts2, counts3)))
times = rbind(t1, t2, t3)[, "elapsed"]
names(times) <- c("Original", "First imp.", "Second imp.")
barplot(height = times, col = "darkblue",
ylab = "Elapsed (sec.)")
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