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Last active July 16, 2016 14:33
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Checks if some criteria holds for a sequence of numbers, ensuring it may be sorted according to some ordering.
# This code exhibits a vectorized function telling whether a series of numbers
# is possibly sorted according to some (not necessarily increasing or
# decreasing) order.
# "Possibly" as in practice a random unsorted series may not contradict being
# sorted - e.g. 1, 3, 3, 2, 2 could be just a random discrete uniform sample.
# E.g. (1, 2, 5, 7, 7, 3, 3, 3, 8, 10, 10) is possibly sorted, but
# (1, 3, 2, 5, 2) cannot be, as 2 occurs in a disjoint way, separated by 5.
is.ordered.sequence = function(x) {
# Verifies if a sequence of numbers is possibly sorted in an arbitrary order.
# The criteria is that equal values must be adjacent in x.
# Args:
# x: vector containing the sequence of numbers to test, NA elements are not
# allowed (so impute as necessary).
if (!is.vector(x)) {
stop("x must be a vector")
if (length(x) == 0) {
# create (x[n], x[n + 1]) pairs representing state transitions from one value
# to another, ignore the last element for now
transitions = cbind(x[-length(x)], x[-1])
# add the ignored last element with a unique "next", NA in this code
if ((length(x) > 1) && (x[length(x)] != x[length(x) - 1])) {
transitions = rbind(transitions, c(x[length(x)], NA))
if (is.vector(transitions)) {
# it was a 1-element series == sorted!
# leave only the first index of those pairs where there is a change
# (i.e. x[i] != x[j])
included = transitions[, 1] != transitions[, 2]
included[] = TRUE
transitions = transitions[included, ]
# if any of the sources appear with a multiplicity, x could not be ordered
count.transitions = length(transitions[, 1])
count.sources = length(unique(transitions[, 1]))
return(count.transitions == count.sources)
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