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beta regression in statsmodels
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Beta regression for modeling rates and proportions.
Grün, Bettina, Ioannis Kosmidis, and Achim Zeileis. Extended beta regression
in R: Shaken, stirred, mixed, and partitioned. No. 2011-22. Working Papers in
Economics and Statistics, 2011.
Smithson, Michael, and Jay Verkuilen. "A better lemon squeezer?
Maximum-likelihood regression with beta-distributed dependent variables."
Psychological methods 11.1 (2006): 54.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy.special import gammaln as lgamma
from statsmodels.base.model import GenericLikelihoodModel
from statsmodels.genmod.families import Binomial
# this is only need while #2024 is open.
class Logit(sm.families.links.Logit):
"""Logit tranform that won't overflow with large numbers."""
def inverse(self, z):
return 1 / (1. + np.exp(-z))
_init_example = """
Beta regression with default of logit-link for exog and log-link
for precision.
>>> mod = Beta(endog, exog)
>>> rslt =
>>> print rslt.summary()
We can also specify a formula and a specific structure and use the
identity-link for phi.
>>> from sm.families.links import identity
>>> Z = patsy.dmatrix('~ temp', dat, return_type='dataframe')
>>> mod = Beta.from_formula('iyield ~ C(batch, Treatment(10)) + temp',
... dat, Z=Z, link_phi=identity())
In the case of proportion-data, we may think that the precision depends on
the number of measurements. E.g for sequence data, on the number of
sequence reads covering a site:
>>> Z = patsy.dmatrix('~ coverage', df)
>>> mod = Beta.from_formula('methylation ~ disease + age + gender + coverage', df, Z)
>>> rslt =
class Beta(GenericLikelihoodModel):
"""Beta Regression.
This implementation uses `phi` as a precision parameter equal to
`a + b` from the Beta parameters.
def __init__(self, endog, exog, Z=None, link=Logit(),
link_phi=sm.families.links.Log(), **kwds):
endog : array-like
1d array of endogenous values (i.e. responses, outcomes,
dependent variables, or 'Y' values).
exog : array-like
2d array of exogeneous values (i.e. covariates, predictors,
independent variables, regressors, or 'X' values). A nobs x k
array where `nobs` is the number of observations and `k` is
the number of regressors. An intercept is not included by
default and should be added by the user. See
Z : array-like
2d array of variables for the precision phi.
link : link
Any link in sm.families.links for `exog`
link_phi : link
Any link in sm.families.links for `Z`
See Also
assert np.all((0 < endog) & (endog < 1))
if Z is None:
extra_names = ['phi']
Z = np.ones((len(endog), 1), dtype='f')
extra_names = ['precision-%s' % zc for zc in \
(Z.columns if hasattr(Z, 'columns') else range(1, Z.shape[1] + 1))]
kwds['extra_params_names'] = extra_names
super(Beta, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwds) = link
self.link_phi = link_phi
self.Z = Z
assert len(self.Z) == len(self.endog)
def nloglikeobs(self, params):
Negative log-likelihood.
params : np.ndarray
Parameter estimates
return -self._ll_br(self.endog, self.exog, self.Z, params)
def fit(self, start_params=None, maxiter=100000, maxfun=5000, disp=False,
method='bfgs', **kwds):
Fit the model.
start_params : array-like
A vector of starting values for the regression
coefficients. If None, a default is chosen.
maxiter : integer
The maximum number of iterations
disp : bool
Show convergence stats.
method : str
The optimization method to use.
if start_params is None:
start_params = sm.GLM(self.endog, self.exog, family=Binomial()
start_params = np.append(start_params, [0.5] * self.Z.shape[1])
return super(Beta, self).fit(start_params=start_params,
maxiter=maxiter, maxfun=maxfun,
method=method, disp=disp, **kwds)
def _ll_br(self, y, X, Z, params):
nz = self.Z.shape[1]
Xparams = params[:-nz]
Zparams = params[-nz:]
mu =, Xparams))
phi = self.link_phi.inverse(, Zparams))
# TODO: derive a and b and constrain to > 0?
if np.any(phi <= np.finfo(float).eps): return np.array(-np.inf)
ll = lgamma(phi) - lgamma(mu * phi) - lgamma((1 - mu) * phi) \
+ (mu * phi - 1) * np.log(y) + (((1 - mu) * phi) - 1) \
* np.log(1 - y)
return ll
if __name__ == "__main__":
import patsy
dat = pd.read_table('gasoline.txt')
Z = patsy.dmatrix('~ temp', dat, return_type='dataframe')
# using other precison params with
m = Beta.from_formula('iyield ~ C(batch, Treatment(10)) + temp', dat,
Z=Z, link_phi=sm.families.links.identity())
fex = pd.read_csv('foodexpenditure.csv')
m = Beta.from_formula(' I(food/income) ~ income + persons', fex)
#print GLM.from_formula('iyield ~ C(batch) + temp', dat, family=Binomial()).fit().summary()
dev = pd.read_csv('methylation-test.csv')
Z = patsy.dmatrix('~ age', dev, return_type='dataframe')
m = Beta.from_formula('methylation ~ gender + CpG', dev,
data("GasolineYield", package = "betareg")
data("FoodExpenditure", package = "betareg")
#fe_beta = betareg(I(food/income) ~ income + persons, data = FoodExpenditure)
#m = betareg(yield ~ batch + temp, data = GasolineYield)
#gy2 <- betareg(yield ~ batch + temp | temp, data = GasolineYield, link.phi="identity")
meth = read.csv('methylation-test.csv')
m = betareg(methylation ~ gender + CpG | age, meth)
food income persons
15.998 62.476 1
16.652 82.304 5
21.741 74.679 3
7.431 39.151 3
10.481 64.724 5
13.548 36.786 3
23.256 83.052 4
17.976 86.935 1
14.161 88.233 2
8.825 38.695 2
14.184 73.831 7
19.604 77.122 3
13.728 45.519 2
21.141 82.251 2
17.446 59.862 3
9.629 26.563 3
14.005 61.818 2
9.16 29.682 1
18.831 50.825 5
7.641 71.062 4
13.882 41.99 4
9.67 37.324 3
21.604 86.352 5
10.866 45.506 2
28.98 69.929 6
10.882 61.041 2
18.561 82.469 1
11.629 44.208 2
18.067 49.467 5
14.539 25.905 5
19.192 79.178 5
25.918 75.811 3
28.833 82.718 6
15.869 48.311 4
14.91 42.494 5
9.55 40.573 4
23.066 44.872 6
14.751 27.167 7
iyield gravity pressure temp10 temp batch
0.122 50.8 8.6 190 205 1
0.223 50.8 8.6 190 275 1
0.347 50.8 8.6 190 345 1
0.457 50.8 8.6 190 407 1
0.08 40.8 3.5 210 218 2
0.131 40.8 3.5 210 273 2
0.266 40.8 3.5 210 347 2
0.074 40 6.1 217 212 3
0.182 40 6.1 217 272 3
0.304 40 6.1 217 340 3
0.069 38.4 6.1 220 235 4
0.152 38.4 6.1 220 300 4
0.26 38.4 6.1 220 365 4
0.336 38.4 6.1 220 410 4
0.144 40.3 4.8 231 307 5
0.268 40.3 4.8 231 367 5
0.349 40.3 4.8 231 395 5
0.1 32.2 5.2 236 267 6
0.248 32.2 5.2 236 360 6
0.317 32.2 5.2 236 402 6
0.028 41.3 1.8 267 235 7
0.064 41.3 1.8 267 275 7
0.161 41.3 1.8 267 358 7
0.278 41.3 1.8 267 416 7
0.05 38.1 1.2 274 285 8
0.176 38.1 1.2 274 365 8
0.321 38.1 1.2 274 444 8
0.14 32.2 2.4 284 351 9
0.232 32.2 2.4 284 424 9
0.085 31.8 0.2 316 365 10
0.147 31.8 0.2 316 379 10
0.18 31.8 0.2 316 428 10
Unnamed: 0 gender age Basename ID id plate CpG methylation
0 0 F 58.231 6042324088_R04C01 age58.231_F id_0 6042324088 CpG_0 0.815
1 1 M 52.632 6042324088_R06C01 age52.632_M id_1 6042324088 CpG_0 0.803
2 2 M 64.679 6042324088_R01C01 age64.679_M id_2 6042324088 CpG_0 0.803
3 3 F 55.299 6042324088_R04C02 age55.299_F id_3 6042324088 CpG_0 0.808
4 4 M 56.019 6042324088_R02C01 age56.019_M id_4 6042324088 CpG_0 0.8550000000000001
5 5 M 62.021 6042324088_R01C02 age62.021_M id_5 6042324088 CpG_0 0.8129999999999998
6 6 F 52.298 6042324088_R06C02 age52.298_F id_6 6042324088 CpG_0 0.816
7 7 F 39.71 6042324088_R03C01 age39.71_F id_7 6042324088 CpG_0 0.827
8 8 F 57.492 6042324088_R05C02 age57.492_F id_8 6042324088 CpG_0 0.829
9 9 F 57.623999999999995 6042324088_R05C01 age57.624_F id_9 6042324088 CpG_0 0.7760000000000001
10 10 F 40.486999999999995 6042324088_R03C02 age40.487_F id_10 6042324088 CpG_0 0.7859999999999999
11 11 M 53.662 6042324088_R02C02 age53.662_M id_11 6042324088 CpG_0 0.822
12 12 F 58.231 6042324088_R04C01 age58.231_F id_0 6042324088 CpG_1 0.891
13 13 M 52.632 6042324088_R06C01 age52.632_M id_1 6042324088 CpG_1 0.894
14 14 M 64.679 6042324088_R01C01 age64.679_M id_2 6042324088 CpG_1 0.894
15 15 F 55.299 6042324088_R04C02 age55.299_F id_3 6042324088 CpG_1 0.869
16 16 M 56.019 6042324088_R02C01 age56.019_M id_4 6042324088 CpG_1 0.914
17 17 M 62.021 6042324088_R01C02 age62.021_M id_5 6042324088 CpG_1 0.889
18 18 F 52.298 6042324088_R06C02 age52.298_F id_6 6042324088 CpG_1 0.8850000000000001
19 19 F 39.71 6042324088_R03C01 age39.71_F id_7 6042324088 CpG_1 0.898
20 20 F 57.492 6042324088_R05C02 age57.492_F id_8 6042324088 CpG_1 0.896
21 21 F 57.623999999999995 6042324088_R05C01 age57.624_F id_9 6042324088 CpG_1 0.86
22 22 F 40.486999999999995 6042324088_R03C02 age40.487_F id_10 6042324088 CpG_1 0.887
23 23 M 53.662 6042324088_R02C02 age53.662_M id_11 6042324088 CpG_1 0.8800000000000001
24 24 F 58.231 6042324088_R04C01 age58.231_F id_0 6042324088 CpG_2 0.936
25 25 M 52.632 6042324088_R06C01 age52.632_M id_1 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9129999999999999
26 26 M 64.679 6042324088_R01C01 age64.679_M id_2 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9000000000000001
27 27 F 55.299 6042324088_R04C02 age55.299_F id_3 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9119999999999999
28 28 M 56.019 6042324088_R02C01 age56.019_M id_4 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9349999999999999
29 29 M 62.021 6042324088_R01C02 age62.021_M id_5 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9280000000000002
30 30 F 52.298 6042324088_R06C02 age52.298_F id_6 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9150000000000001
31 31 F 39.71 6042324088_R03C01 age39.71_F id_7 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9160000000000001
32 32 F 57.492 6042324088_R05C02 age57.492_F id_8 6042324088 CpG_2 0.929
33 33 F 57.623999999999995 6042324088_R05C01 age57.624_F id_9 6042324088 CpG_2 0.92
34 34 F 40.486999999999995 6042324088_R03C02 age40.487_F id_10 6042324088 CpG_2 0.9160000000000001
35 35 M 53.662 6042324088_R02C02 age53.662_M id_11 6042324088 CpG_2 0.926
# in R:
import io
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pandas as pd
import patsy
from betareg import Beta
import numpy as np
# betareg(I(food/income) ~ income + persons, data = FoodExpenditure)
_income_estimates_mean = u"""\
varname Estimate StdError zvalue Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.62254806 0.223853539 -2.781051 5.418326e-03
income -0.01229884 0.003035585 -4.051556 5.087819e-05
persons 0.11846210 0.035340667 3.352005 8.022853e-04"""
_income_estimates_precision = u"""\
varname Estimate StdError zvalue Pr(>|z|)
(phi) 35.60975 8.079598 4.407366 1.046351e-05
_methylation_estimates_mean = u"""\
varname Estimate StdError zvalue Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.44224 0.03401 42.404 2e-16
genderM 0.06986 0.04359 1.603 0.109
CpGCpG_1 0.60735 0.04834 12.563 2e-16
CpGCpG_2 0.97355 0.05311 18.331 2e-16"""
_methylation_estimates_precision = u"""\
varname Estimate StdError zvalue Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 8.22829 1.79098 4.594 4.34e-06
age -0.03471 0.03276 -1.059 0.289"""
expected_income_mean = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(_income_estimates_mean), sep="\s+")
expected_income_precision = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(_income_estimates_precision), sep="\s+")
expected_methylation_mean = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(_methylation_estimates_mean), sep="\s+")
expected_methylation_precision = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(_methylation_estimates_precision), sep="\s+")
income = pd.read_csv('foodexpenditure.csv')
methylation = pd.read_csv('methylation-test.csv')
def check_same(a, b, eps, name):
assert np.allclose(a, b, rtol=0.01, atol=eps), \
("different from expected", name, list(a), list(b))
def test_income_coefficients():
model = "I(food/income) ~ income + persons"
mod = Beta.from_formula(model, income)
rslt =
yield check_same, rslt.params[:-1], expected_income_mean['Estimate'], 1e-3, "estimates"
yield check_same, rslt.tvalues[:-1], expected_income_mean['zvalue'], 0.1, "z-scores"
yield check_same, rslt.pvalues[:-1], expected_income_mean['Pr(>|z|)'], 1e-3, "p-values"
def test_income_precision():
model = "I(food/income) ~ income + persons"
mod = Beta.from_formula(model, income)
rslt =
# note that we have to exp the phi results for now.
yield check_same, np.exp(rslt.params[-1:]), expected_income_precision['Estimate'], 1e-3, "estimate"
#yield check_same, rslt.tvalues[-1:], expected_income_precision['zvalue'], 0.1, "z-score"
yield check_same, rslt.pvalues[-1:], expected_income_precision['Pr(>|z|)'], 1e-3, "p-values"
def test_methylation_coefficients():
model = "methylation ~ gender + CpG"
Z = patsy.dmatrix("~ age", methylation)
mod = Beta.from_formula(model, methylation, Z=Z, link_phi=sm.families.links.identity())
rslt =
yield check_same, rslt.params[:-2], expected_methylation_mean['Estimate'], 1e-2, "estimates"
yield check_same, rslt.tvalues[:-2], expected_methylation_mean['zvalue'], 0.1, "z-scores"
yield check_same, rslt.pvalues[:-2], expected_methylation_mean['Pr(>|z|)'], 1e-2, "p-values"
def test_methylation_precision():
model = "methylation ~ gender + CpG"
Z = patsy.dmatrix("~ age", methylation)
mod = Beta.from_formula(model, methylation, Z=Z, link_phi=sm.families.links.identity())
rslt =
#yield check_same, sm.families.links.logit()(rslt.params[-2:]), expected_methylation_precision['Estimate'], 1e-3, "estimate"
#yield check_same, rslt.tvalues[-2:], expected_methylation_precision['zvalue'], 0.1, "z-score"
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dburdett commented Apr 13, 2018

As it stands it doesn't seem to work out the box - throws up an error that suggests the hessian inversion fails for the first example:

C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\tools\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
f(*((x-ei,)+args), **kwargs))/(2 * epsilon[k])
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\ HessianInversionWarning: Inverting hessian failed, no bse or cov_params available
'available', HessianInversionWarning)
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\ ConvergenceWarning: Maximum Likelihood optimization failed to converge. Check mle_retvals
"Check mle_retvals", ConvergenceWarning)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\", line 181, in
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\", line 2095, in summary
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\iolib\", line 861, in add_table_params
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\iolib\", line 445, in summary_params
std_err = results.bse
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\tools\", line 97, in get
_cachedval = self.fget(obj)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\", line 1029, in bse
return np.sqrt(np.diag(self.cov_params()))
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\", line 1104, in cov_params
raise ValueError('need covariance of parameters for computing '
ValueError: need covariance of parameters for computing (unnormalized) covariances

The other two examples work fine though, the foodexpenditure.csv and the methylation-test.csv inputs.

Perhaps I'm missing a step due to my unfamiliarity with Beta Regression but is there any simple way of understanding the relationship between the coefficient supplied by summary and the raw inputs? Reading around it doesn't seem there is, but given you wrote this I was hoping you might be able to shed some light.

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saccosj commented Jun 16, 2018

@dburnett, I can't explain the hessian error. However, since I've recently been working with beta regression, I figured yourself and others may like more info on it (Keep in mind, I am not an expert on this topic):

  1. Coefficient interpretations seems both straight forward for some, and confusing for others. Here's the best resource I have found on this.

  2. Some suggest beta problems can be simplified into binomial or logistic problems and handled from there (e.g. unpacking data from percentage values into successes and failures). I see problems with this, but others seem to not. In some situations, data may allow the distribution to be treated as normal. Given the right beta parameters, the distribution can be close to normal and/or transformed to the same. In my short experiences, beta parameters may differ within subsets of the predictor(s), making this process difficult.

  3. Beta regression cannot handle zeroes or ones in the outcome variable. Thus, any data containing zeroes for the outcome must be removed, and obviously, imputing a very small value such as 0.000001 can create major issues. If the data contains a lot of zeroes or ones, it may be considered an inflated beta distribution. Here's a link to an article neatly describing this.

  4. This code seems to handle precision models oddly on default. Different combinations of variables can be in both the logit and precision models, and will change the results. Working in r with betareg, I have derived far more reasonable estimates for known data I have. I am not 100% sure why the outcome variable is being put into the precision model, separate from the intercept, predicting itself.

Beta regression is a newer topic and most appear to try to circumvent it, so I hope this helps you or anyone else looking.

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This is a very useful code. It behooves best if you send a pull request to statsmodels module.

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brentp commented Apr 4, 2020

there's a pull request (not sure if it's open or closed now) on the statsmodels repo where someone else did much more work on this.

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there's a pull request (not sure if it's open or closed now) on the statsmodels repo where someone else did much more work on this.

@brentp - thank you for your work on this!

I searched open and closed PRs on the statsmodels repo for "beta regression" and couldn't find the PR you mentioned. I only found #2030 and #4238.

Do you remember if code in that PR was substantially more robust than yours? If yes, would you by any chance remember what it was about, so that I can try other search queries?

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thank you for your work.

if I had generated data follow beta distribution to crate beta regression mode how do it in R?
can I used the author estmation

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