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Brent Kirby brentkirby

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AshvinGudaliya / AGAudioRecorder.swift
Last active June 2, 2023 08:21
Simple Audio recorder and player in swift 4
// AGAudioRecorder.swift
// BaseProject
// Created by AshvinGudaliya on 17/09/18.
// Copyright © 2018 AshvinGudaliya. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
matiaskorhonen / sign-pdf.rb
Last active May 25, 2023 10:58
Quick and dirty PDF signing in Ruby (using Origami)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "openssl"
require "time"
require "origami"
rescue LoadError
abort "origami not installed: gem install origami"
jperry / remote_authenticatable.rb
Last active February 8, 2023 15:48
Devise and warden remote authentication
module Devise
module Models
module RemoteAuthenticatable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# Here you do the request to the external webservice
# If the authentication is successful you should return
# a resource instance
vlucas /
Created July 22, 2014 16:12
Prevent Pushes Directly to Master
# @link
# Called by "git push" after it has checked the remote status,
# but before anything has been pushed.
# If this script exits with a non-zero status nothing will be pushed.
# Steps to install, from the root directory of your repo...
wrburgess / gist:5528649
Last active September 13, 2024 19:00
Backup Heroku Postgres database and restore to local database

Grab new backup of database

Command: heroku pgbackups:capture --remote production

Response: >>> HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_COLOR_URL (DATABASE_URL) ----backup---> a712

Get url of backup download

Command: heroku pgbackups:url [db_key] --remote production

wteuber / encrypt_decrypt.rb
Last active September 16, 2024 21:13
Simply encrypt and decrypt Strings in Ruby.
require 'openssl'
class String
def encrypt(key)
cipher ='DES-EDE3-CBC').encrypt
cipher.key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest key
s = cipher.update(self) +
jjulian / example.erb
Created February 18, 2012 16:44
Running Ruby under Apache like PHP, using cgi -
<% header "Content-Type" => "text/html" %>
<h1>Let's run some ruby code: <%= rand %></h1>
uhlenbrock / deploy.rb
Created December 14, 2011 17:36
Precompile assets locally for Capistrano deploy
load 'deploy/assets'
namespace :deploy do
namespace :assets do
desc 'Run the precompile task locally and rsync with shared'
task :precompile, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
%x{bundle exec rake assets:precompile}
%x{rsync --recursive --times --rsh=ssh --compress --human-readable --progress public/assets #{user}@#{host}:#{shared_path}}
%x{bundle exec rake assets:clean}
lancejpollard /
Created November 28, 2011 01:50
What is your folder-structure preference for a large-scale Node.js project?

What is your folder-structure preference for a large-scale Node.js project?

0: Starting from Rails

This is the reference point. All the other options are based off this.

|-- app
|   |-- controllers
|   |   |-- admin
sgruhier / gist:1086231
Created July 16, 2011 10:14
override jquery UI widget method
// If you dont need to call original method
$.widget("ui.addresspicker", $.extend({}, $.ui.addresspicker.prototype, {
_updatePosition: function(){
// Do what you want to
// If you need to call original method
var _updatePosition = $.ui.addresspicker.prototype._updatePosition;
$.widget("ui.addresspicker", $.extend({}, $.ui.addresspicker.prototype, {