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Last active June 2, 2023 21:01
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//| BB-EMA.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2023, Imentore Copy |
//| Breno Cardoso Perucchi |
#property copyright "Copyright Breno Perucchi"
#property description "BB EMA"
#property link ""
#property version "1.32"
#property strict
// Include the CTrade library
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>
CTrade trade; // Instance of CTrade
input group "---Expert Settings---";
input int iVolume = 10; // Volume Order
input int iMagicNumber = 12345; // Magic Number
input int iStopLoss = 850; // Stop Loss
input int iBandsPeriod = 30; // Bollinger Bands Period
input double iBandsDeviation = 2.4; // Bollinger Bands Deviation
// input int iReachBarTimes = 2; // Check bar times
input group "---Daily Settings---";
input int iDailyProfit = 400; // Daily Profit amount
input bool iDailyProfitAllow = true; // Daily Profit Enable
input group "---Tralling Settings---";
input bool iTrallingStopEnable = true; // Tralling Stop Enable After time market
input int iTrallingStopAmount = 10; // Tralling Stop Amount
input group "---Hour Settings---";
input int iStartHour = 9;
input int iStartMinute = 2;
input int iEndHour = 16;
input int iEndMinute = 1;
input group "---Others Settings---";
input bool iOppositePosition = false; // Opposite Position Enable After Stop Loss
input bool iStopLossCountEnable = true; // Contador para StopLoss consecutivos
input int iStopLossSeq = 2; // Contador para StopLoss consecutivos
input group "---BreakEven Settings---";
input bool iBreakEvenEnable = true; // Break Even Enable
input int iBreakEvenActivePoints = 1000; // Break Even Active After Points
input int iBreakEvenDistanceCurrentPricePoints = 200; // Break Even Mantain Distance from Current Price
int handleStd, handleEma;
int reachBar;
int barCount;
ulong ticketID;
double upperBand[];
double lowerBand[];
double middleBand[], stdBuffer[];
datetime lastBarTime;
datetime iOpenTime;
int previousDay = -1; // Previous day
int rates_total = 3;
int ordersStopLossCount = 0; // Contador para StopLoss consecutivos
bool lastPositionHitStopLoss = false; // manter o registro se a última posição atingiu stop loss
bool firstRun = true; // Variable to check if it's the first run
bool isPositionOpen = false;
bool upCrossedCandle = false;
bool lowCrossedCandle = false;
double buyPrice = 0.0; // Price of the last buy trade
double profit_day = 0; // Profit Day
double profit_total = 0; // Profit Day
datetime lastOrderDay = D'1970.01.01'; // Data do último dia que uma ordem foi realizada
bool passedNegativeHundred = true;
ENUM_POSITION_TYPE currentPositionType;
//| |
int OnInit()
ArrayResize(upperBand, rates_total);
ArrayResize(lowerBand, rates_total);
handleEma = iCustom(_Symbol, 0, "BB-EMA-DEV",
Print("handleEma = ", handleEma, " error = ", GetLastError());
//| |
void OnTick()
MqlTick lastTick;
MqlDateTime mqlTime;
MqlRates rates[];
int currentHour = mqlTime.hour;
int currentMinute = mqlTime.min;
int currentDay =;
string commment_open, comment_order_stat, comment_bb_bands, comment_stop_loss, comment_restrict_order, comment_tralling_permit;
SymbolInfoTick(Symbol(), lastTick);
CopyRates(_Symbol, PERIOD_CURRENT, 0, rates_total, rates);
int copy1 = CopyBuffer(handleEma, 4, 0, rates_total, upperBand);
int copy2 = CopyBuffer(handleEma, 6, 0, rates_total, lowerBand);
ArraySetAsSeries(rates, true);
ArraySetAsSeries(upperBand, true);
ArraySetAsSeries(lowerBand, true);
if(currentDay != previousDay)
profit_day = 0.0;
previousDay = currentDay;
ordersStopLossCount = 0;
// New Order - Checking if the price hits the Upper band
bool crossAbove = !isPositionOpen && (rates[1].high >= upperBand[1]);
bool crossBelow = !isPositionOpen && (rates[1].low <= lowerBand[1]);
bool orderConditionRestrict = (currentHour < iStartHour ||(currentHour==iStartHour&&currentMinute< iStartMinute)) || (currentHour>iEndHour||(currentHour == iEndHour && currentMinute > iEndMinute));
bool trallingConditionPermit= (currentHour > iEndHour ||(currentHour==iEndHour &&currentMinute> iEndMinute)) && (currentHour<17 ||(currentHour == 17 && currentMinute <= 50));
if(iTrallingStopEnable && trallingConditionPermit)
double currentPrice = (currentPositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY) ? lastTick.ask :;
// Stop Loss Reach the price order
bool isOPen = IsOrderOpen(ticketID);
if(isPositionOpen && !isOPen)
long deal_ticket = FindCloseOrderByTicketId(ticketID);
double stop_loss = HistoryDealGetDouble(deal_ticket, DEAL_SL);
double currentPrice = HistoryDealGetDouble(deal_ticket, DEAL_PRICE);
double profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(deal_ticket, DEAL_PROFIT);
isPositionOpen = false;
iOpenTime = NULL;
profit_day += profit;
profit_total += profit;
if(int(currentPrice) != int(stop_loss) && profit > 0)
lastPositionHitStopLoss = false;
ordersStopLossCount = 0;
if(int(currentPrice) == int(stop_loss && profit < 0)){
lastPositionHitStopLoss = true;
// Function Modify TakeProfit at Opened Order
int count = 0;
bool changes = false;
double bandPrice = currentPositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY ? upperBand[1] : lowerBand[1];
bandPrice = NormalizeDouble(bandPrice, _Digits);
if(currentPositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
bandPrice = bandPrice + count;
bandPrice = bandPrice - count;
double take_profit = NormalizeDouble(PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP), _Digits);
if(NormalizeSLTP(bandPrice) == take_profit)
changes = ModifyTakeProfit(ticketID, bandPrice);
Print("Erro ao modificar o Take Profit: ", GetLastError());
count += 1;
// New Current BarTime
datetime currentBarTime = iTime(_Symbol, _Period, 0);
// Execute only on New Candle
if(currentBarTime != lastBarTime)
// New Current BarTime
lastBarTime = currentBarTime;
// Comment
string order_type = currentPositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY ? "BUY" : " SELL";
comment_bb_bands = "Upper Band: " + DoubleToString(upperBand[1], 2) + " Lower Band: " + DoubleToString(lowerBand[1], 2) + "\n" +
// "\nRates[0] =>" + DoubleToString(rates[0].high , 0) + " - Upper Band: " + DoubleToString(upperBand[0], 2) +
// "\nRates[1] =>" + DoubleToString(rates[1].high) + " - Lower Band: " + DoubleToString(lowerBand[0], 2) + "\n" +
"\nCross Above: " + ToUpper(string(crossAbove)) +
"\nCross Below: " + ToUpper(string(crossBelow)) + "\n"
commment_open = "\nOrder Ticket: " + IntegerToString(ticketID) + "\nOrder Type " + order_type + "\nOrder Profit $: " + DoubleToString(PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PROFIT), 2) + "\n";
commment_open = "";
comment_order_stat = "\n\nProfit Total: " + DoubleToString(profit_total, 2) + "\nProfit Day: " + DoubleToString(profit_day, 2) + "\n";
comment_stop_loss = "\nStop Loss Count: " + IntegerToString(ordersStopLossCount) + "\nLast Position Hit Stop Loss: " + ToUpper(string(lastPositionHitStopLoss)) + "\n";
comment_restrict_order = "\nOrder Condition Permit: " + string(!orderConditionRestrict);
comment_tralling_permit = "\nTralling Condition Permit: " + string(trallingConditionPermit);
string comment_step_1 = comment_bb_bands + commment_open + comment_stop_loss + comment_order_stat + comment_restrict_order + comment_tralling_permit;
// Remember the current bar time
upCrossedCandle = false;
lowCrossedCandle = false;
barCount += 1;
// Consecutive StopLoss Profit Restrict
if(iStopLossCountEnable && ordersStopLossCount >= iStopLossSeq)
string comment_stop_loss_count = "\nYour are reach your Consecutive Stop Loss Max :" + IntegerToString(ordersStopLossCount);
Comment(comment_step_1 + comment_stop_loss_count);
// Daily Profit Restrict
if((profit_day*0.90) >= iDailyProfit && iDailyProfitAllow)
string comment_profit_day = "\nYour are reach your Daily Profit " + DoubleToString(iDailyProfit, 2) + " > " + DoubleToString(profit_day, 2);
Comment(comment_step_1 + comment_profit_day);
return; // Exit the function
// Restrict of Date Times to execute orders
if(!isPositionOpen && orderConditionRestrict){
// Later in your code...
handleCross(crossAbove, upCrossedCandle, POSITION_TYPE_SELL);
handleCross(crossBelow, lowCrossedCandle, POSITION_TYPE_BUY);
//| |
void handleCross(bool crossCondition, bool &crossedCandle, ENUM_POSITION_TYPE orderType)
if(crossCondition && !crossedCandle)
reachBar += 1;
crossedCandle = true; // We mark that this candle has been crossed.
reachBar = 0;
barCount = 0;
//| Make an Close order |
// void MakeOrderClose(ENUM_POSITION_TYPE PositionType)
// {
// MqlTradeResult result;
// double pPrice1 = 0;
// double pPrice2 = 0;
// if(trade.PositionClose(_Symbol))
// {
// trade.Result(result);
// long deal_ticket = FindCloseOrderByTicketId(ticketID, iOpenTime);
// double profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(deal_ticket, DEAL_PROFIT);
// double positionStopLoss = HistoryDealGetDouble(deal_ticket, DEAL_SL);
// if(deal_ticket > 0)
// {
// profit_day += profit;
// profit_total += profit;
// }
// iOpenTime = NULL;
// isPositionOpen = false;
// if(PositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
// {
// pPrice1 = positionStopLoss;
// pPrice2 = result.price;
// }
// else
// if(PositionType == POSITION_TYPE_SELL)
// {
// pPrice1 = result.price;
// pPrice2 = positionStopLoss;
// }
// if(pPrice1 >= pPrice2)
// {
// lastPositionHitStopLoss = true;
// ordersStopLossCount++;
// }
// else
// ordersStopLossCount = 0;
// }
// }
//| Make a New Open order |
bool MakeOrderOpen(ENUM_POSITION_TYPE PositionType)
return false;
MqlTradeResult result;
MqlTradeRequest request;
bool changes = false;
double SL = 0;
if(firstRun == false && iOppositePosition == true)
if((lastPositionHitStopLoss == true && currentPositionType == PositionType))
return changes;
if(PositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
int order = trade.Buy(iVolume, _Symbol, 0, SL, 0, "BB_EMA");
int order = trade.Sell(iVolume, _Symbol, 0, SL, 0, "BB_EMA");
if(result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_DONE || result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED)
changes = true;
ticketID = trade.ResultOrder();
isPositionOpen = true;
currentPositionType = PositionType;
if(PositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
SL = result.price - iStopLoss * _Point;
SL = result.price + iStopLoss * _Point;
trade.PositionModify(ticketID, NormalizeSLTP(SL), 0);
iOpenTime = datetime(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TIME));
} else {
//--- failure message
Print("Buy() method failed. Return code=",trade.ResultRetcode(),
". Code description: ",trade.ResultRetcodeDescription());
firstRun = false;
return changes;
//| FindCloseOrderByTicketId |
long FindCloseOrderByTicketId(const ulong ticketid)
datetime start_date = TimeCurrent()-PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_MN1);
for(int i = HistoryDealsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
ulong deal_ticket = HistoryDealGetTicket(i);
ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY entry_type = (ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY)HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket, DEAL_ENTRY);
long ticket = HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket, DEAL_POSITION_ID);
if(entry_type != DEAL_ENTRY_IN && ticket == ticketid)
return long(deal_ticket);
//| IsOrderOpen |
bool IsOrderOpen(ulong ticket)
if (PositionSelectByTicket(ticket))
return true; // A ordem está aberta
return false; // A ordem está fechada
//| |
string ToUpper(string str)
return str;
Print("Falha ao converter a string para maiúsculas.");
return str;
//| |
bool ModifyTakeProfit(ulong ticketid, double newTakeProfit)
double stop_loss = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL);
return trade.PositionModify(ticketid, stop_loss, NormalizeSLTP(newTakeProfit));
//| |
double NormalizeSLTP(double price){
double roundedPrice = 0;
double point = SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);
long precision = long(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE));
if(currentPositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
roundedPrice = MathFloor(price / precision) * precision;
roundedPrice = MathCeil(price / precision) * precision;
roundedPrice = NormalizeDouble(roundedPrice, _Digits);
return roundedPrice;
//| |
bool TrallingStop(double currentPrice)
//PositionSelectByTicket(ticketid); // Select the current open position
double profit = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PROFIT);
double openPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
double stopLossPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL);
// Check if profit is greater than 0 and if price has moved more than 200 points in favor
if(profit > 0 && MathAbs(currentPrice - openPrice) > iTrallingStopAmount * _Point)
// Set new Stop Loss level at 200 points from current price
if(currentPositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
stopLossPrice = currentPrice - iTrallingStopAmount * _Point;
// Make sure the new stop loss level is higher than the previous level
if(stopLossPrice > PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL))
return trade.PositionModify(ticketID, stopLossPrice, PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP));
stopLossPrice = currentPrice + iTrallingStopAmount * _Point;
// Make sure the new stop loss level is lower than the previous level
if(stopLossPrice < PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL))
return trade.PositionModify(ticketID, stopLossPrice, PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP));
return false;
//| |
void CheckExistingOrder() {
datetime currentTime = TimeCurrent();
MqlDateTime mqlTime;
//TimeToStruct(currentTime, mqlTime);
for(int i = PositionsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(PositionGetSymbol(i) == _Symbol && PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC) == iMagicNumber) {
ticketID = PositionGetTicket(i);
isPositionOpen = true;
currentPositionType = ENUM_POSITION_TYPE(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE));
firstRun = false;
previousDay =;
ticketID = -1; // No existing position found
//| |
void CalculateProfits() {
datetime currentTime = TimeCurrent();
MqlDateTime mqlTime;
TimeToStruct(currentTime, mqlTime);
datetime startDate = StructToTime(mqlTime);
if (HistorySelect(-1, currentTime)) {
for (int i = HistoryDealsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ulong deal_ticket = HistoryDealGetTicket(i);
long magic_number = HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket, DEAL_MAGIC);
if (magic_number == iMagicNumber) {
double profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(deal_ticket, DEAL_PROFIT);
profit_total += profit;
MqlDateTime deal_close_time;
TimeToStruct(HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket, DEAL_TIME), deal_close_time);
if ( == && deal_close_time.mon == mqlTime.mon && deal_close_time.year == mqlTime.year) {
firstRun = false;
profit_day += profit;
//| |
void BreakEvenOrder(){
double openPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
double currentPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_CURRENT);
double stopLoss = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL);
if(currentPositionType == POSITION_TYPE_BUY)
openPrice = openPrice + iBreakEvenActivePoints * _Point;
double newStopLoss = currentPrice - iBreakEvenDistanceCurrentPricePoints * _Point;
if(currentPrice > openPrice && stopLoss < newStopLoss){
trade.PositionModify(ticketID, newStopLoss, PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP));
openPrice = openPrice - iBreakEvenActivePoints * _Point;
double newStopLoss = currentPrice + iBreakEvenDistanceCurrentPricePoints * _Point;
if(currentPrice < openPrice && stopLoss > newStopLoss){
trade.PositionModify(ticketID, newStopLoss, PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP));
//| |
void CheckProfitAndTriggerTrailingStop()
// Assume-se que POSITION_TYPE é uma constante que você definiu em outro lugar em seu código
//ENUM_POSITION_TYPE currentPositionType = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE);
double currentProfit = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PROFIT);
double openPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN);
double currentPrice = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_CURRENT);
// Calculando a diferença em pontos
double pointDifference = MathAbs(currentPrice - openPrice);
if(pointDifference >= -100 && currentProfit <= 0)
// Seu código para marcar que a posição passou por -100 pontos de lucro
// Por exemplo, você poderia definir uma variável booleana 'passedNegativeHundred' para 'true'
passedNegativeHundred = true;
} else if(passedNegativeHundred)
passedNegativeHundred = false;
if(passedNegativeHundred == true && pointDifference > 0) // Descomente o 'passedNegativeHundred == true &&' se você implementou o sinalizador 'passedNegativeHundred'
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