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Created July 11, 2023 19:50
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## ---
using StatGeochem, Plots
# Calculate a histogram of three variables in ternary space
function ternaryhist(a,b,c; nbins::Int=10)
# Normalize input data
d = a + b + c
a ./= d
b ./= d
c ./= d
# abc = collect(zip(a./d,b./d,c./d))
# Count them up
n = 0 # triangle number
edges = collect(0:1/nbins:1)
N = Array{Int64}(undef,nbins*nbins)
intriangle = BitArray(undef,length(d))
# rightside-up triangles
for i = 1:nbins
for j = 1:i
n += 1
# > > >
@inbounds intriangle .= (b .>= edges[1+nbins-i]) .& (a .>= edges[1+i-j]) .& (c .>= edges[j])
N[n] = count(intriangle)
# intriangle = 0
# @inbounds for k = 1:length(a)
# if (b[k] >= edges[1+nbins-i]) && (a[k] >= edges[1+i-j]) && (c[k] >= edges[j])
# intriangle += 1
# end
# end
# N[n] = intriangle
# N[n] = count(x -> (x[2] >= edges[1+nbins-i]) & (x[1] >= edges[1+i-j]) & (x[3] >= edges[j]), abc)
# upside-down triangles
for i = 1:(nbins-1)
for j = 1:i
n += 1
# < < <
@inbounds intriangle .= (b .< edges[1+nbins-i]) .& (a .< edges[2+i-j]) .& (c .< edges[1+j])
N[n] = count(intriangle)
# intriangle = 0
# @inbounds for k = 1:length(a)
# if (b[k] < edges[1+nbins-i]) && (a[k] < edges[2+i-j]) && (c[k] < edges[1+j])
# intriangle += 1
# end
# end
# N[n] = intriangle
# N[n] = count(x -> (x[2] < edges[1+nbins-i]) & (x[1] < edges[2+i-j]) & (x[3] < edges[1+j]), abc)
return N
# Plot a histogram of three variables in ternary space
function ternaryplot(N; cornerlabels=["","",""], nbins::Int=isqrt(length(N)), cmap=viridis, clims=(0,maximum(N)))
# Scale the counts
cind = ceil.(Int, (N .- clims[1]) * (length(cmap)-1) / clims[2]) .+ 1
cind[cind .> length(cmap)] .= length(cmap)
cind[cind .< 1] .= 1
# Fill in null color by default
h = plot(size=(600,519), xlims=(-1/2, 1/2), ylims=(0, sqrt(3)/2), xticks=[], yticks=[], framestyle=:none)
plot!(h, [-1/2, 0, 1/2, -1/2,],[0, sqrt(3)/2, 0, 0,],label="",fill=true,fillcolor=cmap[1],linewidth=0)
# Plot the histogram
n = 0 # triangle number
edges = collect(0:1/nbins:1)
# rightside-up triangles
for i = 1:nbins
for j = 1:i
n += 1
# > > > If there's anything there
if cind[n] > 1
y = 0.5*sqrt(3)*[edges[1+nbins-i], edges[2+nbins-i], edges[1+nbins-i], edges[1+nbins-i]]
x = -0.5*[edges[2+i-j], edges[1+i-j], edges[1+i-j], edges[2+i-j]] + 0.5*[edges[j], edges[j], edges[1+j], edges[j]]
# Upside-down triangles
for i = 1:(nbins-1)
for j = 1:i
n += 1
# < < < If there's anything there
if cind[n] > 1
y = 0.5*sqrt(3)*[edges[1+nbins-i], edges[nbins-i], edges[1+nbins-i], edges[1+nbins-i]]
x = -0.5*[edges[2+i-j], edges[1+i-j], edges[1+i-j], edges[2+i-j]] + 0.5*[edges[j], edges[j], edges[1+j], edges[j]]
# Add lines on margins
plot!(h, [-1/2, 0, 1/2, -1/2,], [0, sqrt(3)/2, 0, 0,], label="", color=:black)
# Add corner labels
plot!(h, [-0.515, 0, 0.515], [-0.015, sqrt(3)/2+0.015, -0.015], text=cornerlabels, seriestype=:scatter, label="")
return h
# Plot three variables in ternary space
function ternaryplot(a,b,c; cornerlabels=["","",""], markersize=0.5, color=:auto, label="")
# Calculate sum of components
d = a + b + c
# x-axis of ABC diagram
x = -0.5 * a./d + 0.5 * c./d
# y-axis of ABC diagram
y = 0.5 * sqrt(3) * b./d
# Plot dataset
h = plot(xlims=(-1/2, 1/2), ylims=(0, sqrt(3)/2), xticks=[], yticks=[], framestyle=:none, size=(600, 519))
plot!(h,x,y,seriestype=scatter, label=label, markersize=markersize, color=color, mswidth=0)
# Add lines on margins
plot!(h, [-1/2, 0, 1/2, -1/2,],[0, sqrt(3)/2, 0, 0,],color=:black, label="")
# Add corner labels
plot!(h, [-0.515, 0, 0.515], [-0.015, sqrt(3)/2+0.015, -0.015], text=cornerlabels, seriestype=:scatter, label="")
return h
## --- Test it out
npoints = 10^5
a = abs.(randn(npoints))
b = abs.(randn(npoints))
c = abs.(randn(npoints))
@time h = ternaryplot(a,b,c)
@time N = ternaryhist(a,b,c,nbins=100)
colors = copy(viridis)
colors[1] = eltype(viridis)(0,0,0)
@time h = ternaryplot(N,cornerlabels=["Ca","Na","K"],cmap=colors)
## ---
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