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Last active November 12, 2019 17:42
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Translate a pyquil program to a single einsum call
## What it is
## ----------
## Numpy has a standard function, einsum, which can be used to evaluate large
## nested summations. Here we show how to translate a pyQuil program consisting
## of only gate applications to a single einsum call.
## The basic idea
## --------------
## The program
## H 0
## CNOT 0 1
## X 1
## is equivalent to the circuit
## ---
## |q0> ---| H |-----*------------
## --- |
## --- ---
## |q1> -----------| + |---| X |---
## --- ---
## The usual way of thinking about how to evaluate this is, going from top to
## bottom in the program, or left to right in the diagram construct a matrix
## representing the gate, and multiply the wavefunction by this.
## An alternative perspective is that the quantity computed is one large sum,
## with indices of summation corresponding to 'wires' in the circuit diagram
## (aka a 'tensor contraction').
## - To a 1Q unitary U, associate an array u of size (2,2) defined as
## u[out,in] = <out|U|in>
## - To a 2Q unitary U, associate an array u of size (2,2,2,2) defined as
## u[out0,out1,in0,in1] = <out0 out1|U|in0 in1>
## - To a n-qubit wavefunction ψ, associate an array wf of size (2,...,2), a total of
## n dimensions, e.g. (for n = 2)
## psi[out0,out1] = <out0 out1|ψ>
## The result of applying the circuit to ψ is ψ', where psi'[c,d] is given
## by the sum
## sum_{i,j,k,l} psi[i,j]*h[k,i]*cnot[l,m,k,j]*x[n,m]
## Pictorially, every index is a wire in the diagram
## ---
## |q0> -i-| H |--k--*-----l------
## --- |
## --- ---
## |q1> -----j-----| + |-m-| X |-n-
## --- ---
## with free indices corresponding to free wires, and summed indices
## corresponding to wires connected at both ends.
## We thus walk the pyQuil program from top to bottom. A gate on k qubits
## consumes k previously free indices and produces k new free indices. The
## consumed indices are to be 'summed over' by einsum.
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from numpy import einsum # if you hate blas
# from opt_einsum import contract as einsum # if you like blas
from pyquil import Program
from pyquil.quilatom import Parameter
from pyquil.quilbase import Gate
from pyquil.gates import *
from pyquil.gate_matrices import QUANTUM_GATES
from pyquil.wavefunction import Wavefunction
next_index = 0
def run(program: Program) -> Wavefunction:
""" Run the Quil program, returning a Wavefunction result. """
num_qubits = max(program.get_qubits()) + 1
# We represent a n-qubit wavefunction as a n dimensional complex array
wf = np.zeros((2,)*num_qubits, dtype=np.complex128)
wf[(0,)*num_qubits] = 1+0j
assert all(0 <= q < num_qubits for q in program.get_qubits())
global next_index
next_index = 0
free_indices = {q:q for q in range(num_qubits)}
# we build a list of alternating tensor, indices
# for starters, we have the wavefunction, and with its free indices
contraction_data = [wf, [free_indices[q] for q in reversed(range(num_qubits))]]
next_index = num_qubits
for instr in program.instructions:
if not isinstance(instr, Gate):
raise ValueError(f"None-gate instruction {instr} is not supported.")
# get the gate tensor, along with summation indices
# note: this updates free_indices
tensor, indices = gate_tensor_contraction(instr, free_indices)
result = einsum(*contraction_data,
[free_indices[q] for q in reversed(range(num_qubits))])
return Wavefunction(result.flatten())
def gate_tensor_contraction(instr: Gate, qubit_indices: dict):
Given a gate, return a pair (tensor, indices) representing the application
of the gate, given the supplied qubit_indices. Updates qubit_indices.
global next_index
qubits = [q.index for q in instr.qubits]
matrix = gate_matrix(instr)
# reshape to have k 'lower' indices followed by k 'higher' indices
# e.g. 1Q gate A looks like A_i^j,
# 2Q gate B looks like B_ij^kl
tensor = matrix.reshape((2,)*(2*len(qubits)))
summed = [qubit_indices[q] for q in qubits]
free = []
for q in qubits:
idx = next_index
next_index += 1
qubit_indices[q] = idx
return tensor, free+summed
def gate_matrix(gate: Gate):
""" Get the matrix corresponding to the given gate. """
if any(isinstance(param, Parameter) for param in gate.params):
raise ValueError("Cannot produce a matrix from a gate with non-constant parameters.")
if len(gate.modifiers) == 0: # base case
if len(gate.params) > 0:
return QUANTUM_GATES[](*gate.params)
raise ValueError('Gate modifiers are not currently supported.')
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