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Created March 26, 2013 14:22
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Save braintreeps/5245725 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Capistrano task for automatically installing a list of R libraries during an automated deployment.
desc "install R packages"
task :install_R_packages do
R_packages ="#{release_path}/R_packages.txt") { |line| line.strip }
R_package_cmd = do |package|
'if(!require(\"'+package+'\")){ install.packages(\"'+package+'\",lib=c(\"'+shared_path+'/R\"), repos=\"http://cran.cnr.\"); };'
end.join(' ')
sudo "sh -c 'if [ ! -d #{shared_path}/R ]; then mkdir #{shared_path}/R; fi'"
sudo "sh -c 'export R_LIBS_USER=#{shared_path}/R && R --vanilla -e \"#{R_package_cmd}\"'"
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