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  • Save brainmachine/4509183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brainmachine/4509183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Ingress Intel: Notify UI
// @namespace
// @description Annotate the Ingress Intel Dashboard with links to control the Ingress Notify app.
// @match*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
//const NOTIFY_SERVER = 'http://localhost:8080/'
//const NOTIFY_SERVER = ''
const NOTIFY_SERVER = ''
"<a href='javascript:doWatch(true);void(0)' style='color: #11ECF7'>Watch</a> | "
+"<a href='javascript:doWatch(false);void(0)' style='color: #11ECF7'>Unwatch</a>";
window.lastClickedMarker = null;
window.lastOpenedTitle = null;
// Find the global function that creates the Marker instances.
// It's the only one whose source mentions "new google.maps.Marker".
for (i in window) {
if (!window.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if ('function' != typeof window[i]) continue;
if (-1 == window[i].toString().indexOf('new google.maps.Marker')) continue;
// We found it! Inject our shim in place of it.
overrideMarkerCreator(window[i], i);
function overrideMarkerCreator(origMarkerCreator, prop) {
// The original function takes one argument "a" and contains a line like:
// ... a.G = new google.maps.Marker( ...
// Find that line, and the property name that the marker is assigned to.
var m = origMarkerCreator.toString().match(
/\.([^ ]+) = new google.maps.Marker/);
if (!m) {
// Crap something didn't work right!
console.error('Could not find the Marker instantiation in:',
} else {
// Inject a replacement function which ...
window[prop] = function(a) {
// ... calls the original function ...
// ... then pulls out the marker instance, from the property found above.
function onHaveMarker(marker) {
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
window.lastClickedMarker = marker;
// Find the global function that creates the popup contents.
// It's the only one whose source mentions "portal_primary_title".
for (i in window) {
if (!window.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if ('function' != typeof window[i]) continue;
if (-1 == window[i].toString().indexOf('portal_primary_title')) continue;
// We found it! Inject our shim in place of it.
overridePopupContent(window[i], i);
function overridePopupContent(origPopupContent, prop) {
// Create a new function which ...
window[prop] = function(a, b) {
// ... calls the original function ...
var html = origPopupContent(a, b);
// ... then parse and mutate HTML with regexes! ...
var m = html.match(/<div id="portal_primary_title">(.*?)</);
if (!m) return html;
window.lastOpenedTitle = m[1];
html = html.replace(
/<div( id="portal_level">.*?)<\/div>/,
CLICKY_TEMPLATE + ' <span$1</span>');
// ... and sends it on its merry way.
return html;
window.doWatch = function(watched) {
var pos = lastClickedMarker.getPosition();
var lat = Math.floor( * 1e6);
var lng = Math.floor(pos.lng() * 1e6);
var url = NOTIFY_SERVER + 'portals/' + lat + ',' + lng;
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'PUT', url, true);
request.withCredentials = true;
// The error handler is called even in case of success?!
request.addEventListener('load', function() {
console.log('xhr onload!');
(watched ? 'Watching' : 'Unwatched')
+ ' portal ' + window.lastOpenedTitle);
}, false);
request.addEventListener('error', function(event) {
console.log(request, event);
showMessage('Error communicating with server!');
}, false);
document.getElementById('map_spinner').style.display = 'block';
'title': window.lastOpenedTitle,
'latE6': lat,
'lngE6': lng,
'address': null,
'watched': watched,
var butterHideTimeout;
function showMessage(msg) {
document.getElementById('map_spinner').style.display = 'none';
var butterbar = document.getElementById('butterbar');
butterbar.textContent = msg; = 'inherit';
butterHideTimeout = setTimeout(function() { = 'none';
}, 10000);
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