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Last active September 19, 2024 19:12
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Pipenv cheat sheet for common commands

Pipenv Cheat Sheet

Install pipenv

pip3 install pipenv


pipenv shell

Check version of Python

python --version

Check path

>>> import sys
>>> sys.executable

Install a package

pipenv install camelcase

Check local packages

pipenv lock -r

Uninstall a package

pipenv uninstall camelcase

Install a dev package

pipenv install nose --dev

Install from requirements.txt

pipenv install -r ./requirements.txt

Check security vulnerabilities

pipenv check

Check dependency graph

pipenv graph

Ignore pipfile

pipenv install --ignore-pipfile

Set lockfile - before deployment

pipenv lock

Exiting the virtualenv


Run with pipenv

pipenv run *
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IdanBanani commented May 24, 2020

Hey Brad, Is it possible/ a good idea to make VScode/ Pycharm automatically create and activate for you a pipenv virtual environment?
it's not so easy to do it with vscode [I guess editing settings.json isn't enough, and launch.json needs to be edited also]
any idea why I keep getting the virtual environment created in the same folder like a singleton and can't see any pipfile.lock file? even tough modules are being added to it? (to the same one)

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dev-code0101 commented Jan 31, 2023

pipenv shell
creates one if none is present

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