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Created January 16, 2023 02:56
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xdg-open (WSL)
exec deno run --cached-only -qA /usr/bin/xdg-open.ts "$@"
import { Command } from "^";
const CMD_EXE = `/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe`;
const EXPLORER_EXE = `/mnt/c/Windows/explorer.exe`;
* Converts a POSIX (eg: /mnt/c/Windows) to a WIN32 (eg: C:\Windows) path.
const convertPosixToWin32Path = async (input: string) => {
const p ={ cmd: ["wslpath", "-aw", input], stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped" });
const r = await Promise.all([p.status(), p.output(), p.stderrOutput()]);
if (!r[0].success) {
throw new Error(`failed to convert '${input}' to a win32 path: ${new TextDecoder().decode(r[2])}`);
return new TextDecoder().decode(r[1]);
* Escape an argument string to be suitable to be passed to cmd.exe on Windows
* see:
const escapeForCmdExe = (input: string) =>
(input.match(/(["\s])/) ? `"${input.replace('"', '\\"')}"` : input)
.replace(/([()%!^"<>&|])/, "^$1");
await new Command()
Drop-in replacement for xdg-open on WSL systems that will,
via WSL Interop., open native Windows applications.
If the argument is a url starting with http(s) it is opened
with the default Windows handler, typically your browser.
If the argument is a filename, first its true location is determined.
Then if the file is on the NTFS filesystem, it is passed as a win32
path (eg: C:\\\\Users\\\\foo) to Windows for handling.
However if it is on the WSL filesystem, it is transformed to a WSL UNC path
(eg: \\\\wsl.localhost\\\\Ubuntu\\\\home\\\\foo) and passed to Windows for handling.
credit: <>
FWIW: The only real reason I re-wrote it is for packaging purposes.
Python is just such a pain in the arse IMO. Deno on the other is a
super simple, single binary install.
.action(async (_, pathOrUrl) => {
// Detect file:// URLs strip the prefix so we don't think it's some other URL.
pathOrUrl = pathOrUrl.startsWith("file://") ? pathOrUrl.replace("file://", "") : pathOrUrl;
// Detect URLs of the form protocol://address
// Pass them directly to Windows as is & hope it knows what to do.
if (pathOrUrl.match(/^.*:\/\/.*$/)) {
cmd: [
cwd: `/mnt/c`,
// Otherwise assume we have a filesystem path.
// Pass it to explorer.exe
cmd: [
await convertPosixToWin32Path(pathOrUrl),
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