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Timing constraints for clock-domain crossings. #sta #cdc

CDC Timing Constraints

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0.

Clock domain crossing (CDC) is a well understood topic, which has been documented enough (e.g. [Golson2014]) and has wide support in EDA tools. Many designers still get it wrong (or at least poorly) done.

CDC spans many areas and this gist covers one that is often forgotten, maybe due to the fact it is rarely responsibility of RTL designers: Timing constraints. Too often I have seen in practice that CDC paths get simply ignored in SDCs, either through explicit set_false_path or through set_clock_groups -asynchronous (see Discouraged SDC Techniques). While this can be accepted in cases where there was a diligent analysis on applied CDC mechanisms, it is always far better to spend the time devising the correct CDC timing constraints. One reason is better guidance to synthesis and P&R tools (e.g. to place CDC flops close to each other). The other reason is making STA coverage more complete; instead of trurning a blind eye through false paths, STA can legally time the paths and make sure all timing assumptions do indeed hold.

The point of Encouraged SDC Techniques is to:

  • Minimize load on CDC flops. This will make synthesis and P&R tools choose fast flops and place them close to each other (i.e. short wire, less capacitance).
  • Minimize delay between CDC flops. This is to prevent physical implementation tools inserting extra buffers on the paths between CDC flops.

CDC Path Types

There are only two CDC path types: An individual, single-bit path, and a multi-bit path. There is no difference whether the latter is a parallel bus or a set of individual signals that need to be kept in phase. Single-bit paths are solved using synchronizers. Multi-bit paths use some kind of signaling between the clock domains to indicate stability of the path in the source domain.

  • Single-bit 2FF synchronizer handles single-bit CDC paths.

    Single bit 2FF synchronizer [Golson2014].

  • Multi-bit path with stability guard (a.k.a. handshake mechanism) passes a multi-bit path directly from the source domain to the receiving domain, where the reception is conditioned/guarded by stability of the logic state in the source domain. The conditioning is achieved by an associated signaling/handshake mechanism, which uses a single-bit synchronizer in both the forward and reverse direction. For examples of some handshake schemes see [sv_hadskake_comps].

    Multi bit synchronization scheme [Golson2014].

CDC timing constraints target primarily the single-bit paths and hence 2FF synchronizers. Their intent is to make sure the paths between individual FF stages are short and minimally loaded. In multi-bit paths, the singling mechanism is merely a use of two synchronizers, one in each direction; the parallel data path is then only constrained for being fast enough.

Discouraged SDC Techniques

Ignoring CDC Paths

It is quite common to see CDC paths being (intentionally) ignored, either through set_false_path or set_clock_groups -asynchronous (without -alow_paths). In either case, the paths become invisible to the tools. No one then really knows how timing looks like on those paths and the implementation tools have no incentives to minimize their load and delay.

# use of `set_false_path`                                                        # use of `set_clock_groups -asynchronous`
# -----------------------                                                        # -----------------------------------------
pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKA -period 10 clkA                                pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKA -period 10 clkA
pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKB -period 10 clkB                                pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKB -period 10 clkB
pt_shell> set_false_path -from CLKA -to CLKB                                     pt_shell> set_clock_groups -name grp -group CLKA -group CLKB -asynchronous
pt_shell> set_false_path -from CLKB -to CLKA

pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0                        pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0

No constrained paths.                                                            No constrained paths.

There is no difference in the end effect of the two methods. Using set_clock_groups more clearly expresses the intent and avoids the need of specify two exceptions (one in each direction) between all pairs of clock domains.

Relaxing CDC Paths

Another option is to relax CDC paths timing through set_max_delay infinity. This time, the paths remain visible to the tools but remove all incentives for their optimization.

pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKA -period 10 clkA
pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKB -period 10 clkB
pt_shell> set_max_delay infinity -from CLKA -to CLKB

pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0

  Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)
  Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)
  Path Group: CLKB
  Path Type: max

  Point                                    Incr       Path
  cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00       0.00 r
  cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00       3.00 r
  cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00       3.00 r
  data arrival time                                   3.00

  max_delay                               0.inf      0.inf
  clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00      0.inf
  library setup time                      -0.70      0.inf
  data required time                                 0.inf
  data required time                                 0.inf
  data arrival time                                  -3.00
  slack (MET)                                        0.inf


The set_max_delay relaxes timing only for the setup/max checks and leaves the hold/min checks unaffected. This may often get unnoticed if the hold timing is not violated. When it does cause timing violations, these are usually false and would call for using set_min_delay. See Encouraged SDC Techniques for more details.

Using no Path Exceptions

Avoiding using path exceptions (like above) may then seem to some as far better approach. Some may even make CDC clocks intentionally "synchronous". This again helps to make the paths visible to the tools. It also sets some incentives too the tools; however, these incentives may not be the best ones.

For example, this leaves a full clkB period for timing between st0 and st1 flops of the 2FF synchronizer. This would allow impl. tools to place them further apart and maybe even put buffers on the path. It may also not represent the worst case timing conditions between the two clock domains.

Another problem may be a difference in clock latency between the source and receiving domains. It may cause too pessimistic timing for either setup or hold checks, leading to either timing violations or attempts to fix it by buffering the path.

pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKA -period 10 clkA
pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKB -period 10 clkB
pt_shell> set_clock_latency 8 CLKA

pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0

  Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)
  Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)
  Path Group: CLKB
  Path Type: max

  Point                                    Incr       Path
  clock CLKA (rise edge)                   0.00       0.00
  clock network delay (ideal)              8.00       8.00
  cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00       8.00 r
  cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00      11.00 r
  cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00      11.00 r
  data arrival time                                  11.00

  clock CLKB (rise edge)                  10.00      10.00
  clock network delay (ideal)              0.00      10.00
  clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00      10.00
  cdc_rdy/st0/CK (dffrx1)                            10.00 r
  library setup time                      -0.70       9.30
  data required time                                  9.30
  data required time                                  9.30
  data arrival time                                 -11.00
  slack (VIOLATED)                                   -1.70

Encouraged SDC Techniques

The encouraged method is to keep the CDC paths visible to timing engines and create there path exceptions to incentivize impl. tools for desired properties (i.e. small delay and load).

Core Idea

The core idea is using set_max_delay with just enough delay, value of which needs to be determined experimentally for each technology, design and sometimes, too, the specific CDC path.

set_max_delay overrides the setup/max path delay, which is normally derived from clock periods and waveforms of clocks involved in the timing path. It then effectively reduces (or extends) clock path delay as if overriding the period spec. Here are examples to illustrate it:

# effect of reducing path delay                                                 # effect of extending path delay
# -----------------------------                                                 # ------------------------------
pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKA -period 10 clkA                               pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKA -period 10 clkA
pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKB -period 10 clkB                               pt_shell> create_clock -name CLKB -period 16 clkB

pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0                       pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0

  Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)       Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)
  Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)         Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)
  Path Group: CLKB                                                                Path Group: CLKB
  Path Type: max                                                                  Path Type: max

  Point                                    Incr       Path                        Point                                    Incr       Path
  ---------------------------------------------------------------                 ---------------------------------------------------------------
  clock CLKA (rise edge)                   0.00       0.00                        clock CLKA (rise edge)                  30.00      30.00
  clock network delay (ideal)              0.00       0.00                        clock network delay (ideal)              0.00      30.00
  cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00       0.00 r                      cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00      30.00 r
  cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00       3.00 r                      cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00      33.00 r
  cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00       3.00 r                      cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00      33.00 r
  data arrival time                                   3.00                        data arrival time                                  33.00

  clock CLKB (rise edge)                  10.00      10.00                        clock CLKB (rise edge)                  32.00      32.00
  clock network delay (ideal)              0.00      10.00                        clock network delay (ideal)              0.00      32.00
  clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00      10.00                        clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00      32.00
  cdc_rdy/st0/CK (dffrx1)                            10.00 r                      cdc_rdy/st0/CK (dffrx1)                            32.00 r
  library setup time                      -0.70       9.30                        library setup time                      -0.70      31.30
  data required time                                  9.30                        data required time                                 31.30
  ---------------------------------------------------------------                 ---------------------------------------------------------------
  data required time                                  9.30                        data required time                                 31.30
  data arrival time                                  -3.00                        data arrival time                                 -33.00
  ---------------------------------------------------------------                 ---------------------------------------------------------------
  slack (MET)                                         6.30                        slack (VIOLATED)                                   -1.70

pt_shell> set_max_delay 4.0 -from CLKA -to CLKB                                 pt_shell> set_max_delay 4.0 -from CLKA -to CLKB

pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0                       pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0

  Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)       Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)
  Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)         Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)
  Path Group: CLKB                                                                Path Group: CLKB
  Path Type: max                                                                  Path Type: max

  Point                                    Incr       Path                        Point                                    Incr       Path
  ---------------------------------------------------------------                 ---------------------------------------------------------------
  cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00       0.00 r                      cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00       0.00 r
  cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00       3.00 r                      cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00       3.00 r
  cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00       3.00 r                      cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00       3.00 r
  data arrival time                                   3.00                        data arrival time                                   3.00

  max_delay                                4.00       4.00                        max_delay                                4.00       4.00
  clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00       4.00                        clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00       4.00
  library setup time                      -0.70       3.30                        library setup time                      -0.70       3.30
  data required time                                  3.30                        data required time                                  3.30
  ---------------------------------------------------------------                 ---------------------------------------------------------------
  data required time                                  3.30                        data required time                                  3.30
  data arrival time                                  -3.00                        data arrival time                                  -3.00
  ---------------------------------------------------------------                 ---------------------------------------------------------------
  slack (MET)                                         0.30                        slack (MET)                                         0.30

Keep in mind the path delay exception applies only to the clock component of the timing path and that there still remains the physical constraint (i.e. the setup time, here) of the receiving end-point and clock attributes such as clock uncertainty.

Practical Aspects

There are some caveats to watch for:

  • Clock latency of CDC clocks is factored into the max delay timing, unless using -ignore_clock_latency with set_max/min_delay:

    pt_shell> set_clock_latency 2.0 CLKA
    pt_shell> set_clock_latency 1.0 CLKB
    pt_shell> set_max_delay 4.0 -from CLKA -to CLKB
    pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0
      Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)
      Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)
      Path Group: CLKB
      Path Type: max
      Point                                    Incr       Path
      clock network delay (ideal)              2.00       2.00     <---  !!!
      cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00       2.00 r
      cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00       5.00 r
      cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00       5.00 r
      data arrival time                                   5.00
      max_delay                                4.00       4.00
      clock network delay (ideal)              1.00       5.00     <---  !!!
      clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00       5.00
      library setup time                      -0.70       4.30
      data required time                                  4.30
      data required time                                  4.30
      data arrival time                                  -5.00
      slack (VIOLATED)                                   -0.70
    pt_shell> set_max_delay 4.0 -from CLKA -to CLKB -ignore_clock_latency
    pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0
      Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)
      Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)
      Path Group: **default**
      Path Type: max
      Point                                    Incr       Path
      cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00       0.00 r
      cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00       3.00 r
      cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00       3.00 r
      data arrival time                                   3.00
      max_delay                                4.00       4.00
      clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00       4.00
      library setup time                      -0.70       3.30
      data required time                                  3.30
      data required time                                  3.30
      data arrival time                                  -3.00
      slack (MET)                                         0.30


    Until recently (v21.x) Cadence Innovus had counted in the clock latency for min/max delay exceptions irrespective of -ignore_clock_latency. Users had to then avoid the switch and factor the actual clock latency in the delay value.

  • Hold/min timing is not changed by set_max_delay. Therefore the max delay path exception (on the crossing path, i.e. -from src -to st0) shall be followed by the set_min_delay. The min delay exception shall, too, be applied with the -ignore_clock_latency option and its amount determined experimentally.

  • Clock uncertainty is factored into the delay path calculation. Unless taking care, the hold component of it will (falsely) reduce the hold margin and call for hold fixing. This is something we want to avoid and hence counter/compensate it by a negative set_min_delay (in the amount of the hold uncertainty constraint):

    pt_shell> set_clock_uncertainty 3.0  CLKB
    pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0 -delay_type min
      Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)
      Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)
      Path Group: CLKB
      Path Type: min
      Point                                    Incr       Path
      clock CLKA (rise edge)                   0.00       0.00
      clock network delay (ideal)              0.00       0.00
      cdc_rdy/src/CK (dffrx1)                  0.00       0.00 r
      cdc_rdy/src/Q (dffrx1) <-                3.00       3.00 r
      cdc_rdy/st0/D (dffrx1)                   0.00       3.00 r
      data arrival time                                   3.00
      clock CLKB (rise edge)                   0.00       0.00
      clock network delay (ideal)              0.00       0.00
      clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00       0.00
      clock uncertainty                        3.00       3.00   <-- !!!
      cdc_rdy/st0/CK (dffrx1)                             3.00 r
      library hold time                        0.30       3.30
      data required time                                  3.30
      data required time                                  3.30
      data arrival time                                  -3.00
      slack (VIOLATED)                                   -0.30
    pt_shell> set_min_delay -3.0 -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0
    pt_shell> report_timing -from cdc_rdy/src -to cdc_rdy/st0 -delay_type min
      Startpoint: cdc_rdy/src (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKA)
      Endpoint: cdc_rdy/st0 (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by CLKB)
      Path Group: CLKB
      Path Type: min
      Point                                    Incr       Path
      data arrival time                                   3.00
      min_delay                               -3.00      -3.00   <-- !!!
      clock reconvergence pessimism            0.00      -3.00
      clock uncertainty                        3.00       0.00   <-- !!!
      library hold time                        0.30       0.30
      data required time                                  0.30
      data required time                                  0.30
      data arrival time                                  -3.00
      slack (MET)                                         2.70

    Note that the clock uncertainty affects both parts of the CDC path; i.e. the crossing path -from src -to st0 and the synchronizing path -from st0 -to st1.

There are some other practictal aspects to consider and discuss:

  • As we discussed in Ignoring CDC Paths, set_clock_groups -asynchronous is a good way to indicate how we think about mutual interaction of CDC clocks. It has the -allow_paths option that prevents ignoring the paths between groups. Hence set_clock_groups -group CLKA -group CLKB -asynchronous -allow_paths has eventually no effect on timing between clkA and clkB, but it tells SDC readers that we intentionally kept the CDC paths enabled.

  • It is good practice to use of set_max_delay 0.0 -from CLKA -to CLKB as a safe default. In case we missed a synchronizer or there were paths with no synchronization, this constraint would trigger a timing violation for us to notice.

  • It may be a good idea to use set_max_load and/or set_max_transition for making impl. tools choose meaninglful flop cells and places in the floorplan. However, these constraints vary among tools. Typically, synthesis tools often limit these constraints to designs and ports, while STA and P&R tools support many different objects.

    Hence we recommend avoiding these constraints, or using them selectively only for certain tools.

  • One way to avoiding inserting buffers into CDC paths may be set_dont_touch <net>. With proper set_max/min_delay, this constraint is not really necessary.

  • In practice, CDC implementation and checking is usually responsibility of RTL designers. Unless instructed, phys. impl. engineers then hardly know where all the CDC paths are and hence what all to constrain. Poor naming choice makes it even more difficult.

    It is advised to devise an STA script that lists all paths crossing among every two clock domains (e.g. [Solvnet2] for PrimeTime) and review those paths. Well defined CDC schemes would have limited number of crossings. Seeing hundreds to thousands of paths between asynchronous clocks usually indicates a poor CDC implementation.

Putting It Together

With all the above, CDC constraints for our sample circuit would then look like follows:

# clock definition
create_clock -name CLKA -period 10 clkA
create_clock -name CLKB -period 12 clkB -waveform {9 3}

set_clock_latency 3.5 CLKA

set UNCERT 0.5
set_clock_uncertainty ${UNCERT} {CLKA CLKB}

# (optional) async. clock groups
set_clock_groups -group CLKA -group CLKB -asynchronous -allow_paths

# safe defaults for not otherwise overriden crossing paths
set_max_delay 0.0 -from CLKA -to CLKB -ignore_clock_latency;
set_max_delay 0.0 -from CLKB -to CLKA -ignore_clock_latency;

# synchronizer naming pattern for extra filtering
set patt *

# constrain single-bit 2FF synchronizers
# (ideally synchronizers are hierarchical modules and their instances have
# some unique naming convention; e.g. `cdc_` prefix)
foreach_in_collection  c [get_cells -hierarchical cdc_* -filter full_name=~*${patt}*] {
    set src_ff [get_cells -hierarchical src* -filter full_name=~[get_object_name $c]*];
    set st0_ff [get_cells -hierarchical st0* -filter full_name=~[get_object_name $c]*];
    set st1_ff [get_cells -hierarchical st1* -filter full_name=~[get_object_name $c]*];

    # max_delay constraint is to cover/override setup checks
    set_max_delay 4.0 -from ${src_ff} -to ${st0_ff} -ignore_clock_latency; # crossing path
    set_max_delay 4.0 -from ${st0_ff} -to ${st1_ff} -ignore_clock_latency; # synchronizing path

    # min_delay constraint is to cover/override hold checks
    # (Using a negative delay to compensate clock uncertainty. We would
    # ideally want the tool not to buffer the path to fix hold timing.)
    set_min_delay [expr - ${UNCERT}] -from ${src_ff} -to ${st0_ff} -ignore_clock_latency; # crossing path

# constrain multi-bit crossing paths
# (these are less likely to follow a naming convention)
set_max_delay 7.0                -from FF*A -to FF*B -ignore_clock_latency
set_min_delay [expr - ${UNCERT}] -from FF*A -to FF*B -ignore_clock_latency


[Solvnet1]Synopsys, Constraining Paths Between Asynchronous Clock Domains, Synopsys SolveNet Doc Id: 2410687,
[Solvnet2]Synopsys, How Can I Easily Report Paths Which Cross Clock Domains?, Synopsys SolveNet Doc Id: 025077,
[PTUG1]Synopsys PrimeTime User Guide, version M-2016.12, section Using Multiple Clocks,
[PTUG2]Synopsys PrimeTime User Guide, version M-2016.12, section Timing Paths and Exceptions,
[Golson2014](1, 2, 3) Golson, Steve. Synchronization and Metastability. Synopsys Users Group (SNUG) Silicon Valley 2014,
[sv_hadskake_comps]Brabec, T.: Handshake Protocols,
* Copyright 2019 Tomas Brabec
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
module sync (a,q,ck_src,ck_tgt);
input a, ck_src, ck_tgt;
output q;
wire n1, n2;
dffrx1 src(.CK(ck_src),.D(a),.RB(1'b1),.Q(n1));
dffrx1 st0(.CK(ck_tgt),.D(n1),.RB(1'b1),.Q(n2));
dffrx1 st1(.CK(ck_tgt),.D(n2),.RB(1'b1),.Q(q));
module circ_cdc (a,b,p,q,rdyA,rdyB,ackA,ackB,clkA,clkB);
input a;
input b;
output p;
output q;
input clkA;
input clkB;
input rdyA,ackB;
output rdyB,ackA;
wire n1,n2,n3,n4;
wire clkA_i;
wire clkb_i;
bufx1 B1(.A(clkA),.Y(clkA_i));
bufx4 B2(.A(clkB),.Y(clkB_i));
dffrx1 FF1A(.CK(clkA_i),.D(a),.RB(1'b1),.Q(n1));
dffrx1 FF2A(.CK(clkA_i),.D(b),.RB(1'b1),.Q(n2));
mux2x1 G1(.D0(n1),.D1(p),.S(rdyB),.Y(n3));
mux2x1 G2(.D0(n2),.D1(q),.S(rdyB),.Y(n4));
dffrx1 FF1B(.CK(clkB_i),.D(n3),.RB(1'b1),.Q(p));
dffrx1 FF2B(.CK(clkB_i),.D(n4),.RB(1'b1),.Q(q));
sync cdc_rdy(.ck_src(clkA_i), .ck_tgt(clkB_i), .a(rdyA), .q(rdyB));
sync cdc_ack(.ck_src(clkB_i), .ck_tgt(clkA_i), .a(ackB), .q(ackA));
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This is a great doc. Thanks!

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jiangaojie commented Jun 20, 2023

Hello, thank you very much for your great learning document. I don't understand why this max delay value set to 4ns in this sdc file.
Does it depend on the clock cycle or is it an empirical value? Thank you very much if you could answer
# max_delay constraint is to cover/override setup checks
set_max_delay 4.0 -from ${src_ff} -to ${st0_ff} -ignore_clock_latency; # crossing path
set_max_delay 4.0 -from ${st0_ff} -to ${st1_ff} -ignore_clock_latency; # synchronizing path

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brabect1 commented Jul 2, 2023

Hi @jiangaojie, those 4 ns value is specific to this example. As I say in "Core Idea", you seek a "just enough" max delay so that you can meet the timing but do not relax it too much. This is because you want to make synthesis and P&R tools to use fast FFs and short nets with as little capacitance as possible. I normally proceed by setting a fair value on a post-synthesis netlist and then adjust based on P&R results.
Hope that explains it a bit.

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