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Created May 19, 2020 04:21
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This func draws data directly from yahoo finance. This requires pandas_datareader, only for simple resampling uses. Otherwise pls obtain proper data set.
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import as pdr
p = print
# =============================================================================
# return dataframe
# =============================================================================
def YF_data(period, tickers):
df = pd.DataFrame() # dataframe to store close price of each ticker
# =============================================================================
# Sample Period yearly basis
# =============================================================================
period = period
sampleperiod = 365 * period
startdate = - dt.timedelta(days = sampleperiod)
# =============================================================================
# Ticker symbol inputs
# =============================================================================
tickers = tickers
# =============================================================================
# return dataframe
# =============================================================================
#df = pd.DataFrame() # dataframe to store close price of each ticker
attempt = 0 # initializing passthrough variable
drop = [] # initializing list to store tickers whose close price was successfully extracted
while len(tickers) != 0 and attempt <= 5:
tickers = [j for j in tickers if j not in drop] # removing stocks whose data has been extracted from the ticker list
for i in range(len(tickers)):
temp = pdr.get_data_yahoo(tickers[i], startdate,
temp.dropna(inplace = True)
df[tickers[i]] = temp["Adj Close"]
p(tickers[i]," :failed to fetch data...retrying")
return df
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