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Created January 10, 2020 21:17
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INFO: Running "/usr/bin/zonename" ...
Jan 10 21:13:28.173 DEBG starting decoherence task, interval 300 seconds, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.174 DEBG starting connection health task, interval 30 seconds, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.174 INFO resolvers specified: [""], build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.177 DEBG srv_response: DnsResponse([Message { header: Header { id: 58065, message_type: Response, op_code: Query, authoritative: false, truncation: false, recursion_desired: true, recursion_available: false, authentic_data: false, checking_disabled: false, response_code: 0, query_count: 1, answer_count: 1, name_server_count: 0, additional_count: 2 }, queries: [Query { name: Name { is_fqdn: true, labels: [_buckets-mdplacement, _tcp, buckets-mdplacement, jonran-region, joyent, us] }, query_type: SRV, query_class: IN }], answers: [Record { name_labels: Name { is_fqdn: true, labels: [_buckets-mdplacement, _tcp, buckets-mdplacement, jonran-region, joyent, us] }, rr_type: SRV, dns_class: IN, ttl: 60, rdata: SRV(SRV { priority: 0, weight: 10, port: 2021, target: Name { is_fqdn: true, labels: [025f8415-9b48-41e8-911f-5da74ad496fe, buckets-mdplacement, jonran-region, joyent, us] } }) }], name_servers: [], additionals: [Record { name_labels: Name { is_fqdn: true, labels: [025f8415-9b48-41e8-911f-5da74ad496fe, buckets-mdplacement, jonran-region, joyent, us] }, rr_type: A, dns_class: IN, ttl: 60, rdata: A( }], sig0: [], edns: Some(Edns { rcode_high: 0, version: 0, dnssec_ok: false, max_payload: 1452, options: OPT { options: {} } }) }]), build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.178 DEBG context srvs: [SrvRec { name: "", port: 2021, addresses_v4: [], expiry_v4: Some(2020-01-11T13:53:28) }], build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.178 DEBG context.srv_rem: [SrvRec { name: "", port: 2021, addresses_v4: [], expiry_v4: Some(2020-01-11T13:53:28) }], build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.178 ERRO srv not found!, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.178 DEBG querying a record for SrvRec { name: "", port: 2021, addresses_v4: [], expiry_v4: Some(2020-01-11T13:53:28) }, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.181 DEBG a resp: DnsResponse([Message { header: Header { id: 27855, message_type: Response, op_code: Query, authoritative: false, truncation: false, recursion_desired: true, recursion_available: false, authentic_data: false, checking_disabled: false, response_code: 0, query_count: 1, answer_count: 1, name_server_count: 0, additional_count: 1 }, queries: [Query { name: Name { is_fqdn: true, labels: [025f8415-9b48-41e8-911f-5da74ad496fe, buckets-mdplacement, jonran-region, joyent, us] }, query_type: A, query_class: IN }], answers: [Record { name_labels: Name { is_fqdn: true, labels: [025f8415-9b48-41e8-911f-5da74ad496fe, buckets-mdplacement, jonran-region, joyent, us] }, rr_type: A, dns_class: IN, ttl: 60, rdata: A( }], name_servers: [], additionals: [], sig0: [], edns: Some(Edns { rcode_high: 0, version: 0, dnssec_ok: false, max_payload: 1452, options: OPT { options: {} } }) }]), build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.181 INFO resolver sent msg:, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.181 INFO sleeping for PT59999.818119417S, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.181 INFO Adding backend YN4N0RVTQC0LZWNSghGdyYWiIio=, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.287 DEBG rebalance var true, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.288 DEBG Running rebalancer on 0 connections..., build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.288 INFO Backend count: 1, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.288 INFO Backend key: YN4N0RVTQC0LZWNSghGdyYWiIio=, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.288 DEBG New connection count: 1 Old Connection Count: 0, build-id: 0.1.0
Jan 10 21:13:28.288 DEBG Connection rebalance completed: Ok(
): ConnectionCount(
), build-id: 0.1.0
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