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Working from home

Mohamed Bouyagui Gassama bouyagas

Working from home
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Steelbirdy /
Last active September 4, 2022 16:05
The Euclidean Algorithm implemented entirely in the Rust type system.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
macro_rules! num {
() => { Z };
(* $($rest:tt)*) => { S<num!($($rest)*)> };
macro_rules! print_gcd {
sdondley / tmux split-window
Last active September 13, 2024 13:31
Super Guide to the split-window tmux Subcommand (and Beyond)

Super Guide to the split-window tmux Subcommand (and Beyond)

Guide overview

tmux, like other great software, is deceptive. On the one hand, it's fairly easy to get set up and start using right away. On the other hand, it's difficult to take advantage of tmux's adanced features without spending some quality alone time with the manual. But the problem with manuals is that they aren't geared toward beginners. They are geared toward helping seasoned developers and computer enthusiasts quickly obtain the

bradtraversy /
Last active September 23, 2024 03:01
Docker Commands, Help & Tips

Docker Commands, Help & Tips

Show commands & management commands

$ docker

Docker version info

hjertnes / doom.txt
Created April 6, 2018 08:28
Doom Emacs Cheatsheet
SPC: find file
, switch buffer
. browse files
: MX
; EX
< switch buffer
` eval
u universal arg
x pop up scratch
dmsul /
Last active September 1, 2024 08:51
Vim Crash Course

NOTE: Specific examples given for options, flags, commands variations, etc., are not comprehensive.


Vim has 2 main "modes", that chance the behavior of all your keys. The default mode of Vim is Normal Mode and is mostly used for moving the cursor and navigating the current file.

Some important (or longer) commands begin with ":" and you will see the text you enter next at the bottom left of the screen.

:q[uit] - quit (the current window of) Vim. ("Window" here is internal to Vim, not if you have multiple OS-level windows of Vim open at once.)
:q! - force quit (if the current buffer has been changed since the last save)
:e[dit] {filename} - read file {filename} into a new buffer.

gblmarquez / .tmux.conf
Created August 6, 2015 14:28
.tmux.conf with fish as default shell
# Default termtype. If the rcfile sets $TERM, that overrides this value.
set -g default-terminal screen-256color
# support logging out and back in
# pbcopy support
set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l bash"
# vi mode