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Created May 20, 2016 00:23
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Draw lines on an div with Elm
module DrawLines exposing (..)
import Html.App
import Mouse exposing (Position)
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
main : Program Config
main =
Html.App.programWithFlags { init = init, subscriptions = subscriptions, update = update, view = view }
type alias Config =
{ offset : Position
, size : Position
type alias Model =
{ config : Config
, line : Maybe Line
, isDrawing : Bool
type alias Line =
{ start : Position
, end : Position
type Message = StartLine Position | UpdateLine Position | EndLine Position
init : Config -> ( Model, Cmd Message )
init config =
( Model config Nothing False, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Message
subscriptions model =
offset =
abs2rel position =
{ position | x = position.x - offset.x, y = position.y - offset.y }
[ Mouse.moves (UpdateLine << abs2rel)
, Mouse.downs (StartLine << abs2rel)
, (EndLine << abs2rel)
update : Message -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Message )
update message model =
updatedModel =
case message of
StartLine position ->
{ model | line = Just <| Line position position, isDrawing = True }
UpdateLine position ->
if model.isDrawing
then { model | line = (\line -> { line | end = position }) model.line }
else model
EndLine position ->
{ model | isDrawing = False }
in ( updatedModel, Cmd.none )
view : Model -> Svg Message
view model =
renderLine =
case model.line of
Just line ->
[ Svg.line
[ x1 <| toString line.start.x
, y1 <| toString line.start.y
, x2 <| toString line.end.x
, y2 <| toString line.end.y
, stroke "#D80707"
, strokeWidth "3"
, strokeMiterlimit "10"
, fill "none"
Nothing -> []
size =
[ version "1.1"
, width (toString size.x)
, height (toString size.y)
, viewBox ("0 0 " ++ toString size.x ++ " " ++ toString size.y)
$(function() {
var $div = $("div");
var offset = $div.offset();
Elm.DrawLines.embed($div[0], {
offset: { x: parseInt(offset.left), y: parseInt( },
size: { x: $div.width(), y: $div.height() }
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