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Created April 22, 2015 13:45
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# pdflatex options:
# -shell-escape is used by the minted package to call pygments
# -interaction=nonstopmode stops pdflatex waiting for user input on errors
pdflatex = pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode report.tex
pdflatex_warn = $(pdflatex) | grep Warning | grep -v 'float' | sed "s/^LaTeX / /"
pdflatex_error = $(pdflatex) | grep -e "^!" | sed "s/^! / Error: /"
pdflatex_quiet = $(pdflatex) >/dev/null
# Other tools
texcount = texcount -merge -template="{1}" report.tex
todos = ack TODO 1-preliminaries 2-chapters 3-appendixes extras
# Print a nicely formatted message
message = echo -e "\033[36m`date +%T` \033[0;34m$(1)\033[0m"
export SHELL:=/bin/bash
export SHELLOPTS:=pipefail
report: report.pdf report.txt
$(call message,"Report is up to date")
$(call message,"Wordcount: \\033[1\;35m`$(texcount)`")
$(texcount) > report.wc
$(todos) >/dev/null && $(call message,"TODO notes: \\033[1\;35m`$(todos) | wc -l`")
report.pdf: report.tex $(wildcard *-*/*.tex) $(wildcard examples/*) $(wildcard extras/*) extras/report.bib
$(call message,"Building $@")
$(call message,"Updated files $?")
$(call message,"Running pdflatex: $(pdflatex)")
$(pdflatex_warn) || $(pdflatex_error) || $(pdflatex) >Makefile.log 2>&1
$(call message,"Running bibtex")
bibtex report.aux | grep Warning | sed "s/Warning--/ Warning: /" || :
$(call message,"Running makeglossaries")
makeglossaries -q report
$(call message,"Running pdflatex again")
$(call message,"Built $@")
report.txt: $(wildcard 2-chapters/*.tex)
$(call message,"Running pandoc")
pandoc -t plain $^ > $@
extras/report.bib: extras/library.bib
sed s/abstract/annote/ $^ | tail -n +6 > $@
rm report.{aux,bbl,blg,glg,glo,gls,lof,log,lol,lot,out,toc,xdy} texput.log
rm Makefile.log extras/glossary.aux extras/layout.aux
rm -r _minted-report
.PHONY: report clean
.SILENT: report report.pdf report.txt extras/report.bib
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