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Last active September 17, 2024 12:02
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Tailwind-styled Simple Form builder example - see for all details
# This is a thin wrapper of the Simple Form builder. It delegates rendering the resulting form fields to Simple Form
# but typically amends the Tailwind classes of the various elements in the field layout. It tightly integrates with the
# unstyled wrapper (aka `:plain`) Simple Form configuration (see `simple_form.rb`). The methods support the same syntax
# as the original Simple Form methods but enhance it to support replacing defaylt Tailwind claseses.
class Builders::TailwindFormBuilder < SimpleForm::FormBuilder
# This is the basic method for rendering `<input>` tags and their variants.
def input(attribute_name, options = {}, &block)
# The default Tailwind classes for the various parts of the Simple Form wrapper layout.
input_class = "block w-full sm:text-sm ... #{'text-gray-500 bg-gray-50' if options.dig(:input_html, :disabled)}"
input_wrapper_class = "mt-1"
wrapper_class = ""
label_wrapper_class = ""
hint_class = "mt-2 text-sm ..."
error_class = "mt-2 text-sm ..."
case options[:as]
when :boolean
input_class = "focus:ring-indigo-500 ..."
options[:boolean_style] ||= :inline
options[:wrapper] ||= :plain_boolean
input_wrapper_class = "flex h-10 ..."
when :file
input_class = "block w-full file:px-4 file:py-2 ..."
when :date, :datetime
options[:html5] = options.fetch(:html5, true) # use HTML5 date/time inputs by default
options[:input_html] = arguments_with_updated_default_class(input_class, **(options[:input_html] || {}))
options[:input_wrapper_html] = arguments_with_updated_default_class(input_wrapper_class,
**(options[:input_wrapper_html] || {}))
options = convert_col_span_argument_to_class(**options)
options[:wrapper_html] = arguments_with_updated_default_class(wrapper_class,
**options[:wrapper_html] || {})
options[:label_wrapper_html] = arguments_with_updated_default_class(label_wrapper_class,
**(options[:label_wrapper_html] || {}))
options[:hint_html] = arguments_with_updated_default_class(hint_class, **(options[:hint_html] || {}))
options[:error_html] = arguments_with_updated_default_class(error_class, **(options[:error_html] || {}))
super(attribute_name, options, &block)
# Renders the label for the given form field.
def label(attribute_name, *args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!.dup
default_class = "block text-sm font-medium ..."
options = arguments_with_updated_default_class(default_class, **options)
super(attribute_name, *[args.first, options], &block)
# Renders a generic button. A submit button is handled by the method below instead.
def button(type, *args, &block)
return super(type, *args, &block) if type == :submit # submit buttons are delegated to the `submit` method below
button_options = args.extract_options!.dup
default_classes = "px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium bg-white rounded-md ..."
button_options = convert_col_span_argument_to_class(key: nil, **button_options)
button_options = arguments_with_updated_default_class(default_classes, **button_options)
args << button_options
super(type, *args, &block)
# Renders a submit button.
def submit(value = nil, options = {})
default_classes = "px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium rounded-md ..."
button_options = convert_col_span_argument_to_class(key: nil, **options)
button_options = arguments_with_updated_default_class(default_classes, **button_options)
super(value, button_options)
# This helper converts the `col_span` parameter to a Tailwind `col-span-X` class in the keyword args.
# By default, it adds the class to the wrapper element (see the `key` parameter) and not on mobile devices
# (see the `class_prefix` parameter). It returns amended (and dup-ed) kw arguments.
def convert_col_span_argument_to_class(key: :wrapper_html, class_prefix: "sm:", **kwargs)
kwargs = kwargs.dup
return kwargs unless kwargs.key?(:col_span)
col_span = kwargs.delete(:col_span)
css_class = if key
kwargs.dig(key, :class).to_s
css_class = ((css_class || "").split << "#{class_prefix}col-span-#{col_span}").join(" ")
if key
kwargs[key] ||= {}
kwargs[key][:class] = css_class
kwargs[:class] = css_class
# This helper can be used to define a default set of CSS classes but replace / remove some of them when needed.
# The <tt>default_class</tt> argument defines the initial set of (default) classes.
# The helper then recognizes two parameters in the keyword arguments:
# * <tt>remove_default_class</tt> - class(es) in this parameter will be removed from the default set of classes
# * <tt>class</tt> - class(es) in this parameter will be appended to the resulting set of classes
# So, in essence, this helper does the following:
# <tt>class = default_class - remove_default_class + class</tt>
# For example, this link with normally defined (default) classes, which resides in a method:
# def users_link
# link_to "Users", users_path, class: "font-bold text-lg"
# end
# supports calling <tt>users_link</tt> and renders <tt>&lt;a class="font-bold text-lg" href="/users">Users&lt;/a></tt>.
# If we want to allow overriding some of the default classes, we can use this helper in the method:
# def users_link(**kwargs)
# link_to "Users", users_path, **arguments_with_updated_default_class("font-bold text-lg", **kwargs)
# end
# Now, while the default call (<tt>users_link</tt>) renders the same default output, we can override the classes now
# using <tt>users_link(remove_default_class: "text-lg", class: "text-sm")</tt>.
# This renders <tt>&lt;a class="font-bold text-sm" href="/users">Users&lt;/a></tt> instead.
# The helper also supports prefixed class arguments which allow multiple class arguments to be removed / replaced.
# E.g. with the following prefix paremeter set <tt>prefix: "form"</tt>, the helper will replace default classes,
# expecting the <tt>remove_default_form_class</tt> and <tt>form_class</tt> parameters to be present to work with.
def arguments_with_updated_default_class(default_class, prefix: nil, **kwargs)
kwargs = kwargs.dup
classes = default_class.to_s
prefix = "#{prefix}_" if prefix
remove_key = :"remove_default_#{prefix}class"
class_key = :"#{prefix}class"
if kwargs[remove_key].present?
classes = (classes.split - kwargs[remove_key].split).join(" ")
# simple_form sometimes uses array of classes instead of strings
kwargs[class_key] = kwargs[class_key].map(&:to_s).join(" ") if kwargs[class_key].is_a?(Array)
kwargs[class_key] = (classes.split + kwargs[class_key].to_s.split).join(" ")
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