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Mongoid 3.x multiple database
If you want to use multiple dbs at once there are several different ways...
1) If you want to do this on a per-model level, use .store_in (This is for all threads):
class Band
include Mongoid::Document
store_in database: "secondary" # This can be any name you want, no need to put it in the mongoid.yml.
class Artist
include Mongoid::Document
store_in database: "tertiary"
2) If you want to do this on a per-operation level, use #with (This is for current thread only):
Band.with(database: "secondary").create(...)!
band.with(database: "tertiary").update_attributes(...)
3) If you want to override this on a global level, like per-request switching, use .override_database (This is for current thread only):
Band.create # Persists to secondary # Persists to secondary
I am assuming you mean in this case multiple databases in the same server or replica set...
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