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Last active April 29, 2021 00:17
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* To start using Traveler, require it in main.js:
* Example: var Traveler = require('Traveler.js');
* Check the footer of this file for suggestions on how to access it at various scopes
"use strict";
const DEFAULT_MAXOPS = 20000;
class Traveler {
constructor() {
// change this memory path to suit your needs
if (!Memory.empire) {
Memory.empire = {};
if (!Memory.empire.hostileRooms) {
Memory.empire.hostileRooms = {};
this.memory = Memory.empire;
findAllowedRooms(origin, destination, options = {}) {
_.defaults(options, { restrictDistance: 16 });
if (, destination) > options.restrictDistance) {
let allowedRooms = { [origin]: true, [destination]: true };
let ret =, destination, {
routeCallback: (roomName) => {
if (options.routeCallback) {
let outcome = options.routeCallback(roomName);
if (outcome !== undefined) {
return outcome;
if (, roomName) > options.restrictDistance) {
return false;
let parsed;
if (options.preferHighway) {
parsed = /^[WE]([0-9]+)[NS]([0-9]+)$/.exec(roomName);
let isHighway = (parsed[1] % 10 === 0) || (parsed[2] % 10 === 0);
if (isHighway) {
return 1;
if (!options.allowSK && !Game.rooms[roomName]) {
if (!parsed) {
parsed = /^[WE]([0-9]+)[NS]([0-9]+)$/.exec(roomName);
let fMod = parsed[1] % 10;
let sMod = parsed[2] % 10;
let isSK = !(fMod === 5 && sMod === 5) &&
((fMod >= 4) && (fMod <= 6)) &&
((sMod >= 4) && (sMod <= 6));
if (isSK) {
return 10;
if (!options.allowHostile && this.memory.hostileRooms[roomName] &&
roomName !== destination && roomName !== origin) {
return 2.5;
if (!_.isArray(ret)) {
console.log(`couldn't findRoute to ${destination}`);
for (let value of ret) {
allowedRooms[] = true;
return allowedRooms;
findTravelPath(origin, destination, options = {}) {
_.defaults(options, {
ignoreCreeps: true,
range: 1,
obstacles: [],
let allowedRooms;
if (options.useFindRoute || (options.useFindRoute === undefined &&, destination.pos.roomName) > 2)) {
allowedRooms = this.findAllowedRooms(origin.pos.roomName, destination.pos.roomName, options);
let callback = (roomName) => {
if (options.roomCallback) {
let outcome = options.roomCallback(roomName, options.ignoreCreeps);
if (outcome !== undefined) {
return outcome;
if (allowedRooms) {
if (!allowedRooms[roomName]) {
return false;
else if (this.memory.hostileRooms[roomName] && !options.allowHostile) {
return false;
let room = Game.rooms[roomName];
if (!room) {
let matrix;
if (options.ignoreStructures) {
matrix = new PathFinder.CostMatrix();
if (!options.ignoreCreeps) {
Traveler.addCreepsToMatrix(room, matrix);
else if (options.ignoreCreeps || roomName !== origin.pos.roomName) {
matrix = this.getStructureMatrix(room);
else {
matrix = this.getCreepMatrix(room);
for (let obstacle of options.obstacles) {
matrix.set(obstacle.pos.x, obstacle.pos.y, 0xff);
return matrix;
return, { pos: destination.pos, range: options.range }, {
maxOps: options.maxOps,
plainCost: options.ignoreRoads ? 1 : 2,
roomCallback: callback,
swampCost: options.ignoreRoads ? 5 : 10,
travelTo(creep, destination, options = {}) {
// register hostile rooms entered
if ( {
if ( && ! {
this.memory.hostileRooms[] =;
else {
this.memory.hostileRooms[] = undefined;
// initialize data object
if (!creep.memory._travel) {
creep.memory._travel = { stuck: 0, tick: Game.time, cpu: 0, count: 0 };
let travelData = creep.memory._travel;
if (creep.fatigue > 0) {
travelData.tick = Game.time;
return ERR_BUSY;
if (!destination) {
// manage case where creep is nearby destination
let rangeToDestination = creep.pos.getRangeTo(destination);
if (rangeToDestination <= options.range) {
return OK;
else if (rangeToDestination <= 1) {
if (rangeToDestination === 1 && !options.range) {
if (options.returnData) {
options.returnData.nextPos = destination.pos;
return creep.move(creep.pos.getDirectionTo(destination));
return OK;
// check if creep is stuck
let hasMoved = true;
if (travelData.prev) {
travelData.prev = Traveler.initPosition(travelData.prev);
if (creep.pos.inRangeTo(travelData.prev, 0)) {
hasMoved = false;
else {
travelData.stuck = 0;
// handle case where creep is stuck
if (travelData.stuck >= DEFAULT_STUCK_VALUE && !options.ignoreStuck) {
options.ignoreCreeps = false;
delete travelData.path;
// handle case where creep wasn't traveling last tick and may have moved, but destination is still the same
if (Game.time - travelData.tick > 1 && hasMoved) {
delete travelData.path;
travelData.tick = Game.time;
// delete path cache if destination is different
if (!travelData.dest || travelData.dest.x !== destination.pos.x || travelData.dest.y !== destination.pos.y ||
travelData.dest.roomName !== destination.pos.roomName) {
delete travelData.path;
// pathfinding
if (!travelData.path) {
if (creep.spawning) {
return ERR_BUSY;
travelData.dest = destination.pos;
travelData.prev = undefined;
let cpu = Game.cpu.getUsed();
let ret = this.findTravelPath(creep, destination, options);
travelData.cpu += (Game.cpu.getUsed() - cpu);
if (travelData.cpu > REPORT_CPU_THRESHOLD) {
console.log(`TRAVELER: heavy cpu use: ${}, cpu: ${_.round(travelData.cpu, 2)},\n` +
`origin: ${creep.pos}, dest: ${destination.pos}`);
if (ret.incomplete) {
console.log(`TRAVELER: incomplete path for ${}`);
if (ret.ops < 2000 && options.useFindRoute === undefined && travelData.stuck < DEFAULT_STUCK_VALUE) {
options.useFindRoute = false;
ret = this.findTravelPath(creep, destination, options);
console.log(`attempting path without findRoute was ${ret.incomplete ? "not" : ""} successful`);
travelData.path = Traveler.serializePath(creep.pos, ret.path);
travelData.stuck = 0;
if (!travelData.path || travelData.path.length === 0) {
return ERR_NO_PATH;
// consume path and move
if (travelData.prev && travelData.stuck === 0) {
travelData.path = travelData.path.substr(1);
travelData.prev = creep.pos;
let nextDirection = parseInt(travelData.path[0], 10);
if (options.returnData) {
options.returnData.nextPos = Traveler.positionAtDirection(creep.pos, nextDirection);
return creep.move(nextDirection);
getStructureMatrix(room) {
if (!this.structureMatrixCache[]) {
let matrix = new PathFinder.CostMatrix();
this.structureMatrixCache[] = Traveler.addStructuresToMatrix(room, matrix, 1);
return this.structureMatrixCache[];
static initPosition(pos) {
return new RoomPosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.roomName);
static addStructuresToMatrix(room, matrix, roadCost) {
for (let structure of room.find(FIND_STRUCTURES)) {
if (structure instanceof StructureRampart) {
if (! && !structure.isPublic) {
matrix.set(structure.pos.x, structure.pos.y, 0xff);
else if (structure instanceof StructureRoad) {
matrix.set(structure.pos.x, structure.pos.y, roadCost);
else if (structure.structureType !== STRUCTURE_CONTAINER) {
// Can't walk through non-walkable buildings
matrix.set(structure.pos.x, structure.pos.y, 0xff);
for (let site of room.find(FIND_CONSTRUCTION_SITES)) {
if (site.structureType === STRUCTURE_CONTAINER || site.structureType === STRUCTURE_ROAD) {
matrix.set(site.pos.x, site.pos.y, 0xff);
return matrix;
getCreepMatrix(room) {
if (!this.creepMatrixCache[]) {
this.creepMatrixCache[] = Traveler.addCreepsToMatrix(room, this.getStructureMatrix(room).clone());
return this.creepMatrixCache[];
static addCreepsToMatrix(room, matrix) {
room.find(FIND_CREEPS).forEach((creep) => matrix.set(creep.pos.x, creep.pos.y, 0xff));
return matrix;
static serializePath(startPos, path) {
let serializedPath = "";
let lastPosition = startPos;
for (let position of path) {
if (position.roomName === lastPosition.roomName) {
serializedPath += lastPosition.getDirectionTo(position);
lastPosition = position;
return serializedPath;
refreshMatrices() {
if (Game.time !== this.currentTick) {
this.currentTick = Game.time;
this.structureMatrixCache = {};
this.creepMatrixCache = {};
static positionAtDirection(origin, direction) {
let offsetX = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1];
let offsetY = [0, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1];
return new RoomPosition(origin.x + offsetX[direction], origin.y + offsetY[direction], origin.roomName);
exports.Traveler = Traveler;
// uncomment this to have an instance of traveler available through import
// exports.traveler = new Traveler();
// uncomment to assign an instance to global
// global.traveler = new Traveler();
// uncomment this block to assign a function to Creep.prototype: creep.travelTo(destination)
const traveler = new Traveler();
Creep.prototype.travelTo = function (destination, options) {
return traveler.travelTo(this, destination, options);
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