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Created June 5, 2017 19:41
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The previous method of testing whether a creep has moved vs. new
testCPU() {
const STATE_PREV_X = 0;
const STATE_PREV_Y = 1;
const STATE_STUCK = 2;
const STATE_CPU = 3;
const STATE_DEST_X = 4;
const STATE_DEST_Y = 5;
let newTraveler = Game.creeps["newTraveler"];
let oldTraveler = Game.creeps["oldTraveler"];
let newTravelData = newTraveler.memory._trav;
let oldTravelData = oldTraveler.memory._travel;
let destination = Game.flags["travFlag"].pos;
let state = Traveler.deserializeState(newTravelData.state, destination);
let options = {} as any;
let newTrav = () => {
// check if creep is stuck
if (Traveler.isStuck(newTraveler, state)) {
// state.stuckCount++;, "magenta", state.stuckCount * .2);
} else {
// state.stuckCount = 0;
// handle case where creep is stuck
if (!options.stuckValue) { options.stuckValue = 2; }
if (state.stuckCount >= options.stuckValue && Math.random() > .5) {
options.ignoreCreeps = false;
options.freshMatrix = true;
delete newTravelData.path;
// TODO:handle case where creep moved by some other function, but destination is still the same
// delete path cache if destination is different
if (!Traveler.samePos(state.destination, destination)) {
if (options.movingTarget && state.destination.isNearTo(destination)) {
newTravelData.path += state.destination.getDirectionTo(destination);
state.destination = destination;
} else {
delete newTravelData.path;
if (options.repath && Math.random() < options.repath) {
// add some chance that you will find a new path randomly
delete newTravelData.path;
let oldTrav = () => {
let hasMoved = true;
if (oldTravelData.prev) {
oldTravelData.prev = OldTraveler.initPosition(oldTravelData.prev);
if (oldTraveler.pos.inRangeTo(oldTravelData.prev, 0)) {
hasMoved = false;
// travelData.stuck++;
} else {
// travelData.stuck = 0;
// handle case where creep is stuck
if (oldTravelData.stuck >= 2 && !options.ignoreStuck) {
options.ignoreCreeps = false;
delete oldTravelData.path;
// handle case where creep wasn't traveling last tick and may have moved, but destination is still the same
if (Game.time - oldTravelData.tick > 1 && hasMoved) {
delete oldTravelData.path;
oldTravelData.tick = Game.time;
// delete path cache if destination is different
if (!oldTravelData.dest || oldTravelData.dest.x !== destination.x || oldTravelData.dest.y !== destination.y ||
oldTravelData.dest.roomName !== destination.roomName) {
delete oldTravelData.path;
let tests = [newTrav, oldTrav];
for (let test of tests) {
let cpu = Game.cpu.getUsed();
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
console.log(`test: ${}, cpu: ${Game.cpu.getUsed() - cpu}`);
/* output:
[1:38:18 PM]test: newTrav, cpu: 0.11773299999998699
[1:38:18 PM]test: oldTrav, cpu: 0.23347499999999854
[1:38:26 PM]test: newTrav, cpu: 0.16482600000000502
[1:38:26 PM]test: oldTrav, cpu: 0.27060299999999415
[1:38:30 PM]test: newTrav, cpu: 0.019552000000004455
[1:38:30 PM] test: oldTrav, cpu: 0.32025100000001316
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