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Created May 30, 2018 08:50
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package main
import (
type ScanResult struct {
isFileSafe bool
func scanFile(settings Settings, filePath string) (ScanResult, bool) {
var command *exec.Cmd
if settings.useSudo {
command = exec.Command("sudo", "-n", settings.kasperskyPath, "--scan-file", filePath)
} else {
command = exec.Command(settings.kasperskyPath, fmt.Sprintf("--scan-file %s", filePath))
var stdout bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
command.Stdout = &stdout
command.Stderr = &stderr
err := command.Run()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] Scanning file `%s` failed: %s", filePath, stderr.String())
return ScanResult{}, false
} else {
safeFileRegexp := regexp.MustCompile("Threats found:\\s+0")
var isFileSafe = safeFileRegexp.MatchString(stdout.String())
log.Printf("[INFO] Scanning file: %s, safe: %t", filePath, isFileSafe)
return ScanResult{isFileSafe: isFileSafe}, true
func fastScanHandler(settings Settings) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") // normal header
filePath := request.URL.Query().Get("file_path")
if filePath != "" {
result, ok := scanFile(settings, filePath)
if ok {
json := fmt.Sprintf("{ \"safe\": %t}", result.isFileSafe)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, json)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "{ \"error\": \"something went wrong while scanning the file, see logs for details\"}")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "{ \"error\": \"missing `file_path` parameter\"}")
type Settings struct {
kasperskyPath string
useSudo bool
const defaultBinding = ""
const defaultKasperskyPath = "/opt/kaspersky/kav4fs/bin/kav4fs-control"
func main() {
bind := flag.String("bind", defaultBinding, "bind address - defaults to ''")
kasperskyPath := flag.String("kaspersky-path", defaultKasperskyPath, "full path to kav4fs-control binary")
useSudo := flag.Bool("sudo", false, "use sudo or not")
settings := Settings{kasperskyPath: *kasperskyPath, useSudo: *useSudo}
log.Printf("[INFO] Starting HTTP server on %s", *bind)
http.HandleFunc("/fast_scan", fastScanHandler(settings))
err := http.ListenAndServe(*bind, nil)
log.Printf("[ERROR] %s", err)
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