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Created May 14, 2019 09:41
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Initialize rpy2 in Python, imported in the file where r("") will be used
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Union
# Numpy and Pandas are sure installed if one wants to use R to do stuff...
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# region Helper classes and functions
class WorkingDirectoryChanger:
def __init__(self, new_wd_path: str = None,
clear_workspace_on_exit: bool = True, garbage_collect_on_exit: bool = True) -> None:
Some R scripts are written as such that they expect the working directory to be their directory or
they change the working directory during the execution. However when using rpy2, the R working directory
is also Python working directory. Therefore to prevent buggy behaviour, this context manager can be used
to "wrap the execution" of the R code in means of changing the working directory.
Python/R working directory will be changed to the one provided in __enter__ and then restored in __exit__
to the original, saved in __enter__.
:param new_wd_path: Path to directory to which the working directory shall be changed. If None then the
directory of the current Python file (__file__) will be used.
:param clear_workspace_on_exit: Whether to clear all objects (except functions) in __exit__.
This is useful to prevent residual objects consuming memory or
old values producing strange bugs.
:param garbage_collect_on_exit: Whether to run GC in __enter__. Useful to prevent excess memory consumption.
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.original: str = None # Initialized in __enter__
# dirname() will return empty string if already in working dir
self.new_wd_path: str = new_wd_path or os.path.dirname(__file__) or "."
self.clear_workspace_on_exit = clear_workspace_on_exit
self.garbage_collect_on_exit = garbage_collect_on_exit
def __enter__(self) -> None:
self.original = os.getcwd()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:
if self.clear_workspace_on_exit:
# Remove all objects in the current working environment - except for functions.
r("rm(list = setdiff(ls(all=TRUE), lsf.str()))")
if self.garbage_collect_on_exit:
r("gc()") # Trigger garbage collection
def _check_rpy2_module_installation() -> None:
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import rpy2
except ModuleNotFoundError:
if == 'nt':
# Windows
py_ver = f"cp{sys.version_info.major}{sys.version_info.minor}"
rpy2_whl_fn = f"rpy2‑_._._‑{py_ver}{py_ver}m‑{'win_amd64' if (sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32) else 'win32'}.whl"
raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"Please download {rpy2_whl_fn} rpy2 Windows binary"
f" from ) and install it using"
f" 'pip install {rpy2_whl_fn}'") from None
raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"Please install rpy2 using 'pip install rpy2'") from None
def _check_rpy2_required_env_variables() -> None:
# R_HOME and R_USER variables are required by the rpy2
import rpy2.situation
# R_HOME is provided by the R interpreter by executing `R RHOME`, but that is not possible if not in PATH.
if not rpy2.situation.get_r_home():
raise EnvironmentError("Please add directory containing R executable (R installation directory/bin) to the PATH"
" environment variable so that `R RHOME` can be executed from the terminal, or set the"
" R_HOME environment variable to the R installation directory (that is directory containing"
" bin/R) - this directory is returned by executing `R RHOME` command.")
# R_USER shall be provided by the user, but in this case set to the rpy2 installation directory.
import rpy2.robjects
except RuntimeError as e:
if "R_USER not defined" in e.args[0]:
os.environ["R_USER"] = os.path.dirname(rpy2.__file__)
# import rpy2.robjects shall now work, import it later when required.
raise e
# endregion Helper classes and functions
# rpy2.robjects must not be imported before calling _check_rpy2_required_env_variables()!
from rpy2.robjects import r # noqa (suppress "PEP 8: Module level import not at top of file")
import rpy2.rinterface as ri # noqa (suppress "PEP 8: Module level import not at top of file")
import rpy2.robjects as ro # noqa (suppress "PEP 8: Module level import not at top of file")
def rpy2py(r_object: Any) -> Union[None, Any,
np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series,
ro.Environment]: # Any as any built-in type.
Convert R (rpy2) object to the "normal Python" object (built-in type, Numpy, Pandas, ...).
:param r_object: Object to convert recursively.
:return: Converted object.
# Do not use isinstance() as many classes are subclasses of others, but require different conversion methods.
rot = type(r_object)
# Check built-in data types first
if rot.__module__ == "builtins":
return r_object
if any(rot is cls for cls in (ro.FloatVector, ro.IntVector, ro.BoolVector)):
if r_object.names == ri.NULL:
return np.array(list(map(rpy2py, r_object)))
# If names are present pd.Series shall probably be generated, but this is not yet tested.
if any(rot is cls for cls in (ro.DataFrame, ro.ListVector)):
if not r_object.names:
# This list is not named, just return the value.
if len(r_object):
return np.array(r_object)
# This list is empty.
return None
# Recursively convert values.
return OrderedDict(zip(r_object.names, map(rpy2py, r_object)))
if any(rot is cls for cls in (ri.NARealType, ri.NAIntegerType, ri.NACharacterType,
ri.NALogicalType, ri.NAComplexType, ri.RNULLType)):
# NARealType Missing value for a float in R
# NAIntegerType Missing value for an integer in R
# NACharacterType Missing value for a string
# NALogicalType Missing value for an boolean in R
# NAComplexType Missing value for a complex in R
# RNULLType R NULL (singleton)
return None
if rot is ro.FactorVector:
if not r_object.names:
# This list is not named, just return the value.
if len(r_object):
return np.array(list(r_object.iter_labels()))
# This list is empty.
return None
# Recursively convert values.
return OrderedDict(zip(r_object.names, map(rpy2py, r_object)))
if any(rot is cls for cls in (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
return r_object
if rot is ro.Environment:
# Known non yet supported types.
return r_object
print(f"Non converted type {type(r_object)}", file=sys.stderr)
return r_object
# Disable R GUI and graphic windows
r("pdf(file = NULL)")
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