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Last active September 20, 2024 10:11
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PHP script to retrieve a DNS record from a custom nameserver
* Make a DNS a request to a custom nameserver, this is similar to dns_get_record, but allows you to query any nameserver
* Usage: dns_get_record_from('ns.server.tld', 'A', 'mydomain.tld');
* => ['']
* @author bohwaz
function dns_get_record_from(string $server, string $type, string $record): array
// Source:
static $types = [
1 => 'A',
2 => 'NS',
5 => 'CNAME',
6 => 'SOA',
12 => 'PTR',
15 => 'MX',
16 => 'TXT',
28 => 'AAAA',
255 => 'ANY',
$typeid = array_search($type, $types, true);
if (!$typeid) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid type');
$host = 'udp://' . $server;
if (!$socket = @fsockopen($host, 53, $errno, $errstr, 10)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to open socket to ' . $host);
$labels = explode('.', $record);
$question_binary = '';
foreach ($labels as $label) {
$question_binary .= pack("C", strlen($label)); // size byte first
$question_binary .= $label; // then the label
$question_binary .= pack("C", 0); // end it off
$id = rand(1,255)|(rand(0,255)<<8); // generate the ID
// Set standard codes and flags
$flags = (0x0100 & 0x0300) | 0x0020; // recursion & queryspecmask | authenticated data
$opcode = 0x0000; // opcode
// Build the header
$header = "";
$header .= pack("n", $id);
$header .= pack("n", $opcode | $flags);
$header .= pack("nnnn", 1, 0, 0, 0);
$header .= $question_binary;
$header .= pack("n", $typeid);
$header .= pack("n", 0x0001); // internet class
$headersize = strlen($header);
$headersizebin = pack("n", $headersize);
$request_size = fwrite($socket, $header, $headersize);
$rawbuffer = fread($socket, 4096);
if (strlen($rawbuffer) < 12) {
throw new \RuntimeException("DNS query return buffer too small");
$pos = 0;
$read = function ($len) use (&$pos, $rawbuffer) {
$out = substr($rawbuffer, $pos, $len);
$pos += $len;
return $out;
$read_name_pos = function ($offset_orig, $max_len=65536) use ($rawbuffer) {
$out = [];
$offset = $offset_orig;
while (($len = ord(substr($rawbuffer, $offset, 1))) && $len > 0 && ($offset+$len < $offset_orig+$max_len ) ) {
$out[] = substr($rawbuffer, $offset + 1, $len);
$offset += $len + 1;
return $out;
$read_name = function() use (&$read, $read_name_pos) {
$out = [];
while (($len = ord($read(1))) && $len > 0) {
if ($len >= 64) {
$offset = (($len & 0x3f) << 8) + ord($read(1));
$out = array_merge($out, $read_name_pos($offset));
else {
$out[] = $read($len);
return implode('.', $out);
$header = unpack("nid/nflags/nqdcount/nancount/nnscount/narcount", $read(12));
$flags = sprintf("%016b\n", $header['flags']);
// No answers
if (!$header['ancount']) {
return [];
$is_authorative = $flags[5] == 1;
// Question section
if ($header['qdcount']) {
// Skip name
// skip question part
$pos += 4; // 4 => QTYPE + QCLASS
$responses = [];
for ($a = 0; $a < $header['ancount']; $a++) {
$read_name(); // Skip name
$ans_header = unpack("ntype/nclass/Nttl/nlength", $read(10));
$t = $types[$ans_header['type']] ?? null;
if ($type != 'ANY' && $t != $type) {
// Skip type that was not requested
$t = null;
switch ($t) {
case 'A':
$responses[] = implode(".", unpack("Ca/Cb/Cc/Cd", $read(4)));
case 'AAAA':
$responses[] = implode(':', unpack("H4a/H4b/H4c/H4d/H4e/H4f/H4g/H4h", $read(16)));
case 'MX':
$prio = unpack('nprio', $read(2)); // priority
$responses[$prio['prio']] = $read_name();
case 'NS':
case 'CNAME':
case 'PTR':
$responses[] = $read_name();
case 'TXT':
$responses[] = implode($read_name_pos($pos, $ans_header['length']));
// Skip
return $responses;
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mvarian commented Dec 29, 2022

I saw this referenced in your comment on

I really like the minimal approach, personally I ran into a few issues I've been unable to solve. Not expecting anything just wanted to make the note in case if was of interest to you:

  • For more reasonable length responses for multi answer records, it seems there's an extra character that doesn't get trimmed out in the response. Query TXT records for, for example. The first array item is correct, but the other 3 have an extra leading character.

  • Less important but something I noticed: For multi-answer records, like querying all TXT records for, it returns no results (I suspect the response is too large for the buffer?)

In either case, appreciate you sharing your solution, thank you!

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bohwaz commented Dec 30, 2022

You are welcome to suggest a patch to fix those bugs :)

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bohwaz commented Sep 15, 2023

I can confirm that for the issue is that the response is truncated (TC) and should be upgraded to TCP. I'll take a look if I can.

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LatinSuD commented May 6, 2024

My comments:

  1. A possible fix for the TXT queries
    I reused the function read_name_pos() to read a series of character-strings, but imposing as a limit the size of record.

  2. The code may still not handle multiple levels of compression scenarios. See
    If you try to handle that beware of the risks (eg: infinite loops). You may want to check rfc9267 for good practices.

  3. Line 95, the check of $len < 64 could be changed with $len < 0xc0. Although it probably doesn't matter, as it is a reserved value.

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bohwaz commented Jun 5, 2024

Thank you @LatinSuD I merged your changes, this fixes the TXT issues for

I started some work on a function that upgrades to UDP for TC records but its not finished.

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Many thanks!!!!!!!

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