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Created July 14, 2011 08:40
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Redis monitor log parser
# redis-cli monitor > log.redis
puts "Scanning redis log..."
ops =
lines = File.readlines('log.redis'); true
start_time =[1].split(' ').first.to_f)
end_time =' ').first.to_f)
time_elapsed = end_time - start_time
rps = (lines.count-1)/time_elapsed
puts "#{time_elapsed}s elapsed"
puts "#{rps} requests per second"
lines.each do |n|
next unless n =~ /"([^"]+)" "([^"]+)"/ # only get commands
op = $1
key = $2
key = key.gsub(/\d+/,"n")
ops["#{op.upcase} #{key}"]+=1
end; true
ops.sort_by{|(a,b)| b}.reverse[0..50].each do |(opkey, count)|
puts "#{count} #{opkey}"
end; true
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this is very useful - thanks! 🎉

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