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ravarcheon /
Last active September 6, 2024 14:32
rotates an audio file by 90 degrees in the spectrum while being a reversible process with minimal loss (only floating point errors which are like -150 dB but thats literally silence ahaha~)
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
def rotateSignal(signal,flip):
if flip:
signal = signal[::-1]
x = np.concatenate((signal, signal[1:][::-1])) # concatenating the array with a reverse of itself makes it such that the fourier transform doesn't layer over a reversed version of itself in the inverse fft
rotSig = ifft(x)
tanyuan /
Last active September 20, 2024 09:17
Smart Caps Lock: Remap Caps Lock to Control AND Escape

Smart Caps Lock: Remap to Control AND Escape (Linux, Mac, Windows)

Caps Lock 變成智慧的 Control 以及 Escape

  • 單獨輕按一下就是 Escape
  • 若按下時同時按著其他鍵,就會是 Control

這應該是 Vim 和 Emacs 的最佳解了!(Emacs? Bash 的快捷鍵就是 Emacs 系列的)

  • Send Escape if you tap Caps Lock alone.
* Retrieves all the rows in the active spreadsheet that contain data and logs the
* values for each row.
* For more information on using the Spreadsheet API, see
function readRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();