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Last active August 12, 2019 18:08
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Save bodil/5521673 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Port of to 100% pure Clojure code, complete with state monad hell. Originally based on Luca Cardelli's paper "Basic Polymorphic Typechecking"
;;; Clojure port of
(ns hindley-milner
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(declare occurs-in? occurs-in-type?)
(defn map-state
"Evaluate a list of state monad values in sequence, producing
a list of the results of each evaluation."
[state mvs]
(reduce (fn [[values state] next]
(let [[value state] (next state)]
[(conj values value) state]))
[[] state]
(defprotocol Stringy
(to-string [this state]))
(defprotocol SyntaxNode
(analyse [this]))
(defprotocol IState
(fresh-var [this])
(fresh-lvar [this t])
(generic? [this t])
(lookup-env [this name])
(bind-env [this name value])
(set-nongen [this t])
(bind-lvar [this t lvar])
(unscope [this other])
(prune [this t])
(unify [this t1 t2])
(-unified [this])
(-env [this])
(-nongen [this])
(-lvars [this])
(-next [this]))
(defrecord Ident [name]
(to-string [_ state] name))
(defrecord Lambda [arg body]
(to-string [_ state]
(str "(fn " arg "" (to-string body state) ")")))
(defrecord Apply [func arg]
(to-string [_ state]
(str "(" (to-string func state) " " (to-string arg state) ")")))
(defrecord Let [v def body]
(to-string [_ state]
(str "(let " v " = " (to-string def state) " in " (to-string body state) ")")))
(defrecord Letrec [v def body]
(to-string [_ state]
(str "(letrec " v " = " (to-string def state) " in " (to-string body state) ")")))
(defrecord Variable [id]
(to-string [this state]
(let [pruned (prune state this)]
(if (= pruned this)
(to-string pruned state)))))
(defrecord Oper [name args]
(to-string [_ state]
(zero? (count args)) name
(= 2 (count args)) (str "(" (to-string (first args) state) " " name
" " (to-string (second args) state) ")")
:else (str name " " (str/join " " (map #(to-string % state) args))))))
(defn function [from to]
(Oper. "" [from to]))
(def integer (Oper. "int" []))
(def bool (Oper. "bool" []))
(deftype State [unified env nongen lvars next]
(fresh-var [_]
(let [inced (-> next int inc char)]
[(Variable. (str next)) (State. unified env nongen lvars inced)]))
(fresh-lvar [this t]
(if-let [lvar (lvars t)]
[lvar this]
(let [[lvar state] (fresh-var this)]
[lvar (bind-lvar state t lvar)])))
(bind-lvar [this t lvar]
(State. unified env nongen (assoc lvars t lvar) next))
(generic? [this t]
(not (occurs-in? this nongen t)))
(lookup-env [_ name]
(env name))
(bind-env [_ name value]
(State. unified (assoc env name value) nongen lvars next))
(set-nongen [_ t]
(State. unified env (conj nongen t) lvars next))
(unscope [_ other]
(State. (-unified other) env nongen lvars (-next other)))
(prune [this t]
(if (and (instance? Variable t)
(contains? unified t))
(prune this (unified t))
(unify [this t1 t2]
(let [t1 (prune this t1)
t2 (prune this t2)]
(and (instance? Variable t1) (not= t1 t2))
(if (occurs-in-type? this t1 t2)
(throw (Error. (str "recursive unification between " t1 " and " t2)))
(State. (assoc unified t1 t2) env nongen lvars next))
(and (instance? Oper t1) (instance? Variable t2))
(unify this t2 t1)
(and (instance? Oper t1) (instance? Oper t2))
(if (or (not= (:name t1) (:name t2))
(not= (count (:args t1)) (count (:args t2))))
(throw (Error. (str "Type mismatch: " (to-string t1 this)
"" (to-string t2 this))))
(loop [state this a (:args t1) b (:args t2)]
(if (and (seq a) (seq b))
(recur (unify state (first a) (first b)) (rest a) (rest b))
:else (throw (Error. (str "Cannot unify args " t1 " and " t2))))))
(-unified [_] unified)
(-env [_] env)
(-nongen [_] nongen)
(-lvars [_] lvars)
(-next [_] next)
(toString [_]
(let [env (dissoc env "pair" "true" "cond" "zero" "pred" "times")]
(str "<State: " unified " :: " env " :: " nongen
" :: " lvars " :: " next ">"))))
(defn fresh-state []
(let [state (State. {} {} #{} {} \α)
[var1 state] (fresh-var state)
[var2 state] (fresh-var state)
[var3 state] (fresh-var state)
pairtype (Oper. "×" [var1 var2])]
(-> state
(bind-env "pair" (function var1 (function var2 pairtype)))
(bind-env "true" bool)
(bind-env "cond" (function bool (function var3 (function var3 var3))))
(bind-env "zero" (function integer bool))
(bind-env "pred" (function integer integer))
(bind-env "times" (function integer (function integer integer))))))
(defn occurs-in? [^State state ^Variable t l]
(some #(occurs-in-type? state t %) l))
(defn occurs-in-type? [^State state ^Variable v type2]
(let [v (prune state v)]
(= v type2) true
(instance? Oper type2) (occurs-in? state v (:args type2))
:else false)))
(defn integer-literal? [name]
(re-matches #"^(\d+)$" name))
(defn fresh [t]
(fn [^State state]
(let [t (prune state t)]
(instance? Variable t)
(if-not (generic? state t)
[t state]
(fresh-lvar state t))
(instance? Oper t)
(let [{:keys [name args]} t]
(let [[args state]
(map-state state (map fresh args))]
[(Oper. name args) state]))
(throw (Error. (str "Don't know how to fresh " t)))))))
(defn get-type [name]
(fn [^State state]
(let [sym (lookup-env state name)]
((fresh sym) state)
(integer-literal? name)
[integer state]
(throw (Error. (str "Undefined symbol " name " ::: " state)))))))
(extend-protocol SyntaxNode
(analyse [{:keys [name]}]
(fn [^State state]
((get-type name) state)))
(analyse [{:keys [arg body]}]
(fn [^State state]
(let [[argtype state] (fresh-var state)
new-state (-> state
(bind-env arg argtype)
(set-nongen argtype))
[resulttype new-state] ((analyse body) new-state)]
[(function argtype resulttype) (unscope state new-state)])))
(analyse [{:keys [v def body]}]
(fn [^State state]
(let [[deftype new-state] ((analyse def) state)
new-state (bind-env new-state v deftype)
[bodytype new-state] ((analyse body) new-state)]
[bodytype (unscope state new-state)])))
(analyse [{:keys [func arg]}]
(fn [^State state]
(let [[functype state] ((analyse func) state)
[argtype state] ((analyse arg) state)
[resulttype state] (fresh-var state)
state (unify state (function argtype resulttype) functype)]
[resulttype state])))
(analyse [{:keys [v def body]}]
(fn [^State state]
(let [[newtype new-state] (fresh-var state)
new-state (-> new-state
(bind-env v newtype)
(set-nongen newtype))
[deftype new-state] ((analyse def) new-state)
new-state (unify new-state newtype deftype)
[bodytype new-state] ((analyse body) new-state)]
[bodytype (unscope state new-state)]))))
(comment ;; Factorial example
(let [state (fresh-state)
(Letrec. "factorial"
(Lambda. "n"
(Apply. (Ident. "cond")
(Apply. (Ident. "zero") (Ident. "n")))
(Ident. "1"))
(Apply. (Ident. "times") (Ident. "n"))
(Apply. (Ident. "factorial")
(Apply. (Ident. "pred") (Ident. "n"))))))
(Apply. (Ident. "factorial") (Ident. "5")))
_ (println (to-string program state))
result ((analyse program) state)]
(println (apply to-string result))
(apply to-string result))
(comment ;; Example with type errors
(let [state (fresh-state)
(Lambda. "x"
(Apply. (Ident. "pair")
(Apply. (Ident. "x") (Ident. "3")))
(Apply. (Ident. "x") (Ident. "true"))))
_ (println (to-string program state))
result ((analyse program) state)]
(println (apply to-string result))
(apply to-string result))
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