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Created November 12, 2012 21:50
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
from math import sqrt
def sieve(stop):
That sieve of eratosthenes thing. Implemented directly from the
pseudocode found here:
stop += 1
counter = 0
num_list = range(2, stop)
for i in num_list:
counter += 1
if i:
args = (i * 2, stop, i)
for j in range(*args):
counter += 1
idx = j - 2
num_list[idx] = False
primes = [n for n in num_list if n]
return primes, counter
def trial_div(stop, lim_sqrt=False, counter=0):
trial divide each candidate by each known prime
OR if lim_sqrt=True is passed as an argument,
trial divide each candidate by each known prime < sqrt(candidate)
counter = 0
start, step = 3, 2
args = start, stop, step
primes = [2]
for n in range(*args):
counter += 1
prime = True
for p in primes:
# assume prime is True
counter += 1
# limit trial division to known primes < sqrt(n)
if lim_sqrt:
if not p <= sqrt(n):
if n % p == 0:
prime = False
# trial divide each candidate by all known primes
if n % p == 0:
prime = False
# if the prime flag wasn't changed
if prime:
return primes, counter
def format_output(name, stop, primes, steps, elapsed):
Return a formatted string with result data filled in
return '\n'.join(
"%s" % name,
"primes found: %s" % len(primes),
"steps taken: %s" % steps,
"running time: %ss" % elapsed,
def prime_wrapper(stop, f, arg=None):
A wrapper function for calling each prime function and
timing how long it takes. It calls trial_div(max_prime, lim_sqrt=True)
if arg is True
then = time.time()
if arg:
primes, steps = f(stop, arg)
primes, steps = f(stop)
now = time.time()
elapsed = str(now - then)[:8]
return primes, steps, elapsed
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
# CSV = True for csv-ish output in the following format:
# 'name','max prime candidate','time'
CSV = False
# ugly ass separator
sep = '##################################################'
# results are printed out in the order of these tuples
# each element is (func, arg, name)
prime_funcs = [(sieve, None, 'sieve')]
(trial_div, True, 'trial division - sqrt'),
(trial_div, None, 'trial division - all')]
# find 2 to n primes for each max candidate in this list
max_prime_list = [1000, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000]
# or pass an argument in to check all 3 methods vs one range of numbers
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].isdigit():
max_prime_list = [int(sys.argv[1])]
if CSV:
stat_data = []
for max_prime in max_prime_list:
# output header
print ''.join([sep, '\n', 'Primes from 2 to %s' % max_prime, '\n'])
# iterate over the prime_funcs list from above and call
# the wrapper function with once with each prime function
# then output the results.
for prime_func, arg, name in prime_funcs:
stats = prime_wrapper(max_prime, prime_func, arg)
if CSV:
stat_data.append((name, str(max_prime), str(stats[2])))
print format_output(name, max_prime, *stats)
if CSV:
for data in stat_data:
print ','.join(data)
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