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Created March 6, 2014 01:20
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Save bobcgausa/9380361 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lua polygon exploder and triangulator
--M.I.T. license
physics=require ("physics")
local noObject = true
local function create()
local vertices = { 0,-110, 27,-35, 105,-35, 43,16, 65,90, 0,45, -65,90, -43,15, -105,-35, -27,-35 }
local r, g, b = math.random(),math.random(),math.random()
local o = display.newPolygon( 0, 0, vertices )
o:translate(math.random()*display.contentWidth, math.random()*display.contentHeight)
o:setFillColor( r, g, b )
o.vertices = vertices
return o
end --create
local function area(poly)
local n = #poly
local a = 0
p = n-1
for q=1, n, 2 do
a = a+poly[p]*poly[q+1] - poly[q]*poly[p+1]
p = q
end --for q
return a * 0.5
end --area
* Check if the point P is inside the triangle defined by
* the points A,B,C
* @param Ax Point A x-coordinate
* @param Ay Point A y-coordinate
* @param Bx Point B x-coordinate
* @param By Point B y-coordinate
* @param Cx Point C x-coordinate
* @param Cy Point C y-coordinate
* @param Px Point P x-coordinate
* @param Py Point P y-coordinate
* @return True if the point specified is within the triangle
local function insideTriangle(Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Px, Py)
local ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, apx, apy, bpx, bpy, cpx, cpy
local cCROSSap, bCROSScp, aCROSSbp
ax = Cx - Bx
ay = Cy - By
bx = Ax - Cx
by = Ay - Cy
cx = Bx - Ax
cy = By - Ay
apx = Px - Ax
apy = Py - Ay
bpx = Px - Bx
bpy = Py - By
cpx = Px - Cx
cpy = Py - Cy
aCROSSbp = ax * bpy - ay * bpx
cCROSSap = cx * apy - cy * apx
bCROSScp = bx * cpy - by * cpx
return (aCROSSbp >= 0.0) and (bCROSScp >= 0.0) and (cCROSSap >= 0.0)
end --insideTriangle
print(insideTriangle(100, 100, 150, 200, 50, 200, 100, 99))
* Cut a the contour and add a triangle into V to describe the
* location of the cut
* @param contour The list of points defining the polygon
* @param u The index of the first point
* @param v The index of the second point
* @param w The index of the third point
* @param n ?
* @param V The array to populate with indicies of triangles
* @return True if a triangle was found
local EPSILON=0.000001
local function snip(contour, u, v, w, n, V)
local Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Px, Py
Ax = contour[V[u]]
Ay = contour[V[u]+1]
Bx = contour[V[v]]
By = contour[V[v]+1]
Cx = contour[V[w]]
Cy = contour[V[w]+1]
if (EPSILON > (((Bx - Ax) * (Cy - Ay)) - ((By - Ay) * (Cx - Ax)))) then
return false
end --if
for p = 1, n do
if (p == u) or (p == v) or (p == w) then
Px = contour[V[p]]
Py = contour[V[p]+1]
if (insideTriangle(Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Px, Py)) then
return false
end --if
end --if
end --for p
return true
--[[translated from Public Source at
local function triangulate(poly)
local result = {}
if #poly < 6 then return nil end
--poly must be counter-clockwise
local nv = #poly/2
local V = {}
if area(poly) >= 0 then
for i=1, nv do
V[i] = i*2-1
end --for i
for i=1, nv do
V[i] = #poly-i*2+1
end --for i
end --if
--remove nv-2 Vertices, creating 1 triangle every time
local count = nv * 2
local v = nv
while nv > 2 do
count = count - 1
if count < 0 then
return nil
--three consecutive vertices in current polygon, <u,v,w>
local u = v
if u > nv then u=1 end --previous
v = u+1
if v > nv then v=1 end --new v
local w = v+1
if w > nv then w=1 end --next
if snip(poly, u, v, w, nv, V) then
local a=V[u]
local b=V[v]
local c=V[w]
table.insert(result, poly[a]) table.insert(result, poly[a+1])
table.insert(result, poly[b]) table.insert(result, poly[b+1])
table.insert(result, poly[c]) table.insert(result, poly[c+1])
table.remove(V, v)
nv = nv-1
count = nv*2
end --if
end --while nv
return result
end --triangulate
local bodies={}
local function explode(poly)
local result = triangulate(poly.vertices)
for i=1,#result-5,6 do
local r,g,b=math.random(),math.random(),math.random()
local p=display.newPolygon(poly.x, poly.y, {result[i],result[i+1],result[i+2],result[i+3],result[i+4],result[i+5]})
bodies[#bodies+1] = p
end --for i
local function touched(event)
print(event.x, event.y)'tap', touched)
noObject = true
local function update()
for i=#bodies, 1, -1 do
if bodies[i].x<0 or bodies[i].x>display.contentWidth then
table.remove(bodies, i)
elseif bodies[i].y<0 or bodies[i].y>display.contentHeight then
table.remove(bodies, i)
end --if
end --for i
if #bodies == 0 and noObject then
create():addEventListener('tap', touched)
noObject = false
end --if
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", update)
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