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Created January 6, 2014 23:49
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Feature: Donation
As a Movember member I want to make a donation to an individual or a team
Scenario Outline: As a member I want to make a general donation to an individual - Providing first name and last name for donation receipt
Given I am on "<path>" secure page
When I click "<button>"
Then the value of "input[name=donationAmount]" should be "<amount>"
And the page should contain the text "<confirmation>"
When I enter "<email>" in the "input[name=email]" field
And I enter "<firstName>" in the "input[name=firstname]" field
And I enter "<lastName>" in the "input[name=lastname]" field
And I click the "#isReceipt" checkbox
And I enter "<receiptFirstName>" in the "input[name=receiptFirstname]" field
And I enter "<receiptLastname>" in the "input[name=receiptLastname]" field
And I enter "<firstName> <lastName>" in the "input[name=cardholderName]" field
And I enter "<cardNumber>" in the "input[name=cardNumber]" field
And I select "12" from the "select[name=cardExpiryMonth]" field
And I select "2014" from the "select[name=cardExpiryYear]" field
And I enter "123" in the "input[name=cardCVV]" field
When I click the "input[name=review_makego]" button
Then the page should contain the text "<confirmation>"
When I click "<confirm>"
Then the page should contain the text "<thankyou>"
| path | button | amount | confirmation | email | firstName | lastName | receiptFirstName | receiptLastname | cardNumber | confirm | thankyou |
| au/donate/payment/member_id/99/ | $30 | 30 | YOU ARE MAKING A $30.00 DONATION TO MOVEMBER | | AUS | LN | AUSFirstName | AULastName | 4112344112344113 | DONATE NOW | Thank you <firstName> for your $30.00 donation to movember |
| nz/donate/payment/member_id/98/ | $50 | 50 | YOU ARE MAKING A $50.00 DONATION TO MOVEMBER | | NZLAND | LN | NZFirstName | NZLastName | 4112344112344113 | DONATE NOW | Thank you <firstName> for your $50.00 donation to movember |
| fr/donate/payment/member_id/86/ | €100 | 100 | YOU ARE MAKING A €100.00 DONATION TO MOVEMBER | | FRANCE | LN | FRFirstName | FRLastName | 5111005111051128 | FAIRE UN DON | Thank you <firstName> for your €100.00 donation to movember |
| ch/donate/payment/member_id/89/ | FR.200 | 200 | YOU ARE MAKING A FR.200 DONATION TO MOVEMBER | | SWISS | LN | CHFirstName | CHLastName | 5111005111051128 | JETZT SPENDEN | Thank you <firstName> for your FR.200.00 donation to movember |
| be/donate/payment/member_id/78/ | €100 | 100 | YOU ARE MAKING A €100.00 DONATION TO MOVEMBER | | BELGIUM | LN | BEFirstName | BELastName | 5111005111051128 | DONATE | Thank you <firstName> for your €100.00 donation to movember |
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