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Last active March 7, 2019 00:34
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pcap-ng to libpcap

I recently ran into an issue while replaying some network traffic that was captured as pcap-ng and I wanted to share what I had to do to get things working.

The issue is that the packet capture contained traffic from two NICs, which is supported by pcap-ng, but not pcap. The commands here filter by interface and then convert the individual interface captures into regular pcap.

# Gather the interface IDs from the pcap:
tshark -r stream1.part15.pcap -Tfields -e frame.interface_id > interfaces.txt
# List the unique IDs
cat interfaces.txt | sort -n | uniq
# I had two interface IDs (0 and 1), and about 15 capture files.
# This loops over each file and splits the traffic out to seperate files with only a single interface per-file:
for i in *.pcap; do tshark -r ${i} -Y frame.interface_id==0 -w split/0/${i}; done
for i in *.pcap; do tshark -r ${i} -Y frame.interface_id==1 -w split/1/${i}; done
# As a final task, we have to convert the file format from pcap-ng to libpcap:
cd split/0
for i in *.pcap; do sudo editcap -F libpcap ${i} ../../fixed/0/${i}; done
cd ../1
for i in *.pcap; do sudo editcap -F libpcap ${i} ../../fixed/1/${i}; done
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