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Created October 25, 2011 03:29
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Horrible pattern matching hack
{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}
module match where
open import Data.List hiding (or)
open import Category.Monad
open import Category.Functor
open import Function
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Level using (Level)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
isEven : Bool
isEven zero = true
isEven (suc zero) = false
isEven (suc (suc n)) = isEven n
toTuple : List Set Set
toTuple [] =
toTuple (A ∷ As) = A × toTuple As
toCont : List Set Set Set
toCont [] R = R
toCont (A ∷ AS) R = A toCont AS R
tcat : {AS} toTuple AS {BS} toTuple BS toTuple (AS ++ BS)
tcat {[]} tt rest = rest
tcat {A ∷ AS} (a , as) rest = a , tcat {AS} as rest
tapp : {AS} toTuple AS {X} toCont AS X X
tapp {[]} tt r = r
tapp {A ∷ AS} (a , as) f = tapp {AS} as (f a)
record Matcher (A : Set) (Binds : List Set) : Set where
field match : A Maybe (toTuple Binds)
var : {A : Set} Matcher A [ A ]
var = record { match = λ x just (x , tt) }
wild : {A : Set} Matcher A []
wild = record { match = λ _ just tt }
con : {A : Set}{{eq : (a b : A) Dec (a ≡ b)}} A Matcher A []
con {A} {{eq}} ref = record { match = λ x test x }
where test : A Maybe ⊤
test x with eq ref x
... | yes _ = just tt
... | no _ = nothing
combine : {RA} Maybe (toTuple RA) {RB} Maybe (toTuple RB)
Maybe (toTuple (RA ++ RB))
combine {RA} ma mb = ma >>= λ a mb >>= λ b just (tcat {RA} a b)
where open RawMonad Data.Maybe.monad
pair : {A RA} Matcher A RA {B RB} Matcher B RB Matcher (A × B) (RA ++ RB)
pair {A} {RA} ma mb = record { match = λ p
combine {RA} (Matcher.match ma (proj₁ p)) (Matcher.match mb (proj₂ p)) }
or : {A RA} Matcher A RA Matcher A RA Matcher A RA
or {A} {RA} ma mb = record { match = λ a Matcher.match ma a ∣ Matcher.match mb a }
where open RawMonadPlus Data.Maybe.monadPlus
cons : {A RA} Matcher A RA {RB} Matcher (List A) RB
Matcher (List A) (RA ++ RB)
cons {A} {RA} mhead {RB} mrest = record { match = dec }
where dec : List A Maybe (toTuple (RA ++ RB))
dec [] = nothing
dec (a ∷ as) = combine {RA} (Matcher.match mhead a) (Matcher.match mrest as)
nil : {A} Matcher (List A) []
nil {A} = record { match = dec }
where dec : List A Maybe ⊤
dec [] = just tt
dec (_ ∷ _) = nothing
trueP : Matcher Bool []
trueP = record { match = dec }
where dec : Bool Maybe ⊤
dec true = just tt
dec _ = nothing
falseP : Matcher Bool []
falseP = record { match = dec }
where dec : Bool Maybe ⊤
dec false = just tt
dec _ = nothing
view : {A B : Set}{R : List Set} (A B) Matcher B R Matcher A R
view {A} {_} {R} f m = record { match = λ a Matcher.match m (f a) }
_⇒_ : {A Binds B} Matcher A Binds toCont Binds B A Maybe B
_⇒_ {A} {Binds} matcher k a = (λ bs tapp {Binds} bs k) <$> Matcher.match matcher a
where open RawFunctor Data.Maybe.functor
_||_ : {A B : Set} (A Maybe B) (A Maybe B) A Maybe B
f || g = λ a f a ∣ g a
where open RawMonadPlus Data.Maybe.monadPlus
case_of_ : {A B : Set} A (A Maybe B) Maybe B
case a of alts = alts a
case_of_||else_ : {A B : Set} A (A Maybe B) B B
case a of alts ||else def with alts a
... | just v = v
... | nothing = def
infixr 1 _||_
infix 2 _⇒_
infix 0 case_of_ case_of_||else_
example : Maybe ℕ
example = case (12 ∷ []) of
nil ⇒ 0
|| cons wild nil ⇒ 1
|| cons var (cons var nil) ⇒ λ x y x + y
mysum : List ℕ
mysum l = case l of
cons var nil ⇒ (λ x x)
|| cons var (cons var var) ⇒ (λ x y rest mysum (x + y ∷ rest))
||else 0
evenSum : List ℕ
evenSum l = case l of
view (isEven ∘ length) falseP ⇒ 0
|| cons var (cons var var) ⇒ (λ x y rest mysum (x + y ∷ rest))
||else 0
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