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Last active February 21, 2017 23:07
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Luxe: Load image from url
import luxe.Input;
import luxe.Sprite;
import luxe.Vector;
import snow.system.assets.Asset;
import snow.types.Types;
class Main extends luxe.Game {
override function ready() {
var url:String = "";;
} //ready
function handleData(image){
var _load = Luxe.snow.assets.image_from_bytes("urlimage", image);
_load.then(function(asset:AssetImage) {
trace("got image");
function handleError(err){
trace("error loading image:" + err);
function init(asset:AssetImage)
var tex = new phoenix.Texture({
id: "urlimage",
width: asset.image.width_actual,
height: asset.image.height_actual,
pixels: asset.image.pixels
var detail_top = new Sprite({
texture: tex,
pos: new Vector(Luxe.screen.mid.x, Luxe.screen.mid.y),
depth: 1,
scale: new Vector(0.5, 0.5)
override function onkeyup( e:KeyEvent ) {
if(e.keycode == Key.escape) {
} //onkeyup
override function update(dt:Float) {
} //update
} //Main
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