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Forked from lanqy/bytesToSize.js
Created September 10, 2024 22:09
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JavaScript To Convert Bytes To MB, KB, Etc
// from
function bytesToSize(bytes) {
var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
if (bytes == 0) return 'n/a';
var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)));
if (i == 0) return bytes + ' ' + sizes[i];
return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) + ' ' + sizes[i];
const getBase64StringSizeInbites = string => {
string = string.substring(string.indexOf(',') + 1, string.length)
const bites = ((string.length * 6) / 8); // / 1000 is kb
return bites
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