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Created August 25, 2012 02:41
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Cheat sheet for Erlang syntax
-module(cheat_sheet). % end with a period
%% Let these functions be called externally.
-export([countdown/1, countdown/0]). % number of parameters - it matters!
%% atoms begin with a lower-case letter
%% Variables begin with an upper-case letter
%% Start defining a function with the most specific case first
countdown(0) ->
io:format("Zero!~n"); % function clauses end with a semicolon
%% Another clause of the same function, with a guard expression
countdown(Bogus) when Bogus < 0 ->
io:format("Bad value: ~B~n", [Bogus]), % normal lines end with a comma
error; % return value (io:format returns 'ok')
%% Last clause matches any single parameter
countdown(Start) ->
%% case and if statements return values!
Type = case Start rem 2 of
1 -> "odd"; % case and if clauses end with semicolons
0 -> "even" % except the last one
end, % end with comma, like a normal line
io:format("~B is ~s~n", [Start, Type]),
countdown(Start - 1). % When the function is all done, end with a period
%% This is a different function because it has a different number of parameters.
countdown() ->
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$ erl
Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)
1> c(cheat_sheet).
2> cheat_sheet:countdown().
10 is even
9 is odd
8 is even
7 is odd
6 is even
5 is odd
4 is even
3 is odd
2 is even
1 is odd
3> cheat_sheet:countdown(3).
3 is odd
2 is even
1 is odd
4> cheat_sheet:countdown(-2).
Bad value: -2

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