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Resilient Tech Blog - Code-first GraphQL with Nexus - budget objectType.ts
// schema.ts
import { makeSchema, asNexusMethod } from 'nexus'
import { nexusPrisma } from 'nexus-plugin-prisma'
import { DateTimeResolver } from 'graphql-scalars'
import path from 'path'
// This is types we had created
import * as types from './typeDefs'
// This is custom scalar type that allows us to do because date is not
// a primitive type in GraphQL
const dateTimeScalar = asNexusMethod(DateTimeResolver, 'date')
export const schema = makeSchema({
// This is all the types that we had defined
types: [types, dateTimeScalar],
// This method is invoked during server initialization, therefore we can add this
// flag to avoid generated artifacts because we are not using ts-node. If you are
// running ts-node, you will need this to be true otherwise TS will fail because
// it will not be able to find the types we import from our GraphQL schema
shouldGenerateArtifacts: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
plugins: [
// We are using a plugin to connect Prisma and Nexus
// We are letting the plugin know to use the prisma client instance in the
// context object so it doesn’t create a new prisma client instance.
prismaClient: (context) => context.db,
outputs: {
// This is the schema that we would have created using SDL-first approach.
// Alternative to providing the result of makeSchema call to GraphQL server,
// we can use this instead
schema: path.join(__dirname, 'graphql.schema'),
// This is where the types of our GraphQL schema is saved, it allows us to
// import {NexusGenAllType} from ‘typegen-nexus’
typegen: path.join(
// This allows the scalar field resolver to correctly get the type of the field
// object. The caveat is the name of the field object must match the data model.
// If you do not use nexus-plugin-prisma, you can still use this for your field
// resolvers to get the type of the field object IF AND ONLY IF the field object
// matches the interface. There are ways to work around this limitation. Please
// refer to Nexus discussion on source types.
sourceTypes: {
modules: [
module: '@prisma/client',
alias: 'db',
// Allows Nexus to know the shape of the context parameter in resolver. We have to
// prevent this code from running during server initialization because we are
// deploying the transpiled artifacts. It is not an issue if you use ts-node
// in production.
...(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && {
contextType: {
module: path.join(__dirname, './context.ts'),
export: 'Context',
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