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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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MetaKernel do_complete
Completions should be case-sensitive
There are three potential objects:
- the token we are in the middle of
- partial version of that token
- the prior token representing a function call
For completions, use the partial object
For do_help, use the full token or the function call token
import re
import os
def _listdir(root):
"List directory 'root' appending the path separator to subdirs."
res = []
root = os.path.expanduser(root)
for name in os.listdir(root):
path = os.path.join(root, name)
if os.path.isdir(path):
name += os.sep
pass # no need to report invalid paths
return res
def _complete_path(path=None):
"""Perform completion of filesystem path.
if not path:
return _listdir('.')
dirname, rest = os.path.split(path)
tmp = dirname if dirname else '.'
res = [p for p in _listdir(tmp) if p.startswith(rest)]
# more than one match, or single match which does not exist (typo)
if len(res) > 1 or not os.path.exists(path):
return res
# resolved to a single directory, so return list of files below it
if os.path.isdir(path):
return [p for p in _listdir(path)]
# exact file match terminates this completion
return [path + ' ']
class Parser(object):
def __init__(self, identifier_regex, function_call_regex, magic_prefixes,
self.identifier_regex = identifier_regex
self.func_call_regex = function_call_regex
self.magic_prefixes = magic_prefixes
self.magic_suffixes = magic_suffixes
self._default_regex = r'[^\d\W]\w*'
def parse_code(self, code, start=0, end=-1):
if not code:
if end == -1:
end = len(code)
end = min(len(code), end)
start = min(start, end)
start = max(0, start)
info = dict(code=code, start=start, end=end, pre=code[:start],
mid=code[start:end], post=code[end:], magic=dict(),
complete_obj='', help_obj='')
info['magic'] = self.parse_magic(code[:end])
id_regex = re.compile('(\{0}+{1}|{2})'.format(
self.magic_prefixes['magic'], self._default_regex,
self.identifier_regex), re.UNICODE)
tokens = re.split(id_regex, code[:end], re.UNICODE)
if not tokens:
return info
info['lines'] = lines = code[start:end].splitlines()
info['line_num'] = line_num = len(lines)
info['line'] = line = lines[-1]
info['column'] = col = len(lines[-1])
tokens = re.findall(id_regex, line)
if tokens and line.endswith(tokens[-1]):
obj = tokens[-1]
obj = ''
full_obj = obj
if obj:
full_line = code.splitlines()[line_num - 1]
rest = full_line[col:]
match = re.match(id_regex, rest)
if match:
full_obj = obj +
func_call = re.findall(self.func_call_regex, line)
if func_call and not obj:
info['help_obj'] = func_call[-1]
info['help_col'] = line.index(obj) + len(obj)
info['help_pos'] = end - len(line) + col
info['help_obj'] = full_obj
info['help_col'] = col
info['help_pos'] = end
info['complete_obj'] = obj
info['full_obj'] = full_obj
return info
def parse_magic(self, code):
# find magic characters - help overrides any others
info = {}
prefixes = self.magic_prefixes
suffixes = self.magic_suffixes
id_regex = '|'.join([self._default_regex, self.identifier_regex])
pre_magics = {}
for (name, prefix) in prefixes.items():
if name == 'shell':
regex = r'(\%s+)( *)(%s)' % (prefix, id_regex)
regex = r'(\%s+)(%s)' % (prefix, id_regex)
match =, code, re.UNICODE)
if match:
pre_magics[name] = match.groups()
post_magics = {}
for (name, suffix) in suffixes.items():
regex = r'(%s)(\%s+)' % (id_regex, suffix)
match =, code, re.UNICODE)
if match:
post_magics[name] = match.groups()
types = ['none', 'line', 'cell', 'sticky']
if 'help' in pre_magics:
info['name'] = 'help'
pre, obj = pre_magics['help']
info['type'] = types[len(pre)]
info['index'] = code.index(pre + obj)
elif 'help' in post_magics:
info['name'] = 'help'
obj, suf = post_magics['help']
info['type'] = types[len(suf)]
info['index'] = code.index(obj + suf)
elif 'magic' in pre_magics:
pre, obj = pre_magics['magic']
info['type'] = types[len(pre)]
info['name'] = obj
info['index'] = code.index(pre + obj) + len(pre + obj)
elif 'shell' in pre_magics:
info['name'] = 'shell'
pre, ws, obj = pre_magics['shell']
info['type'] = types[len(pre)]
info['index'] = code.index(pre + ws + obj) + len(pre + ws)
return info
info['rest'] = code[info['index']:].strip()
lines = info['rest'].splitlines()
info['args'] = lines[0].strip()
info['code'] = '\n'.join(lines[1:])
return info
def test_parser():
identifier_regex = r'[^\d\W]\w*'
function_call_regex = r'([^\d\W][\w\.]*)\([^\)\()]*\Z'
magic_prefixes = dict(magic='%', shell='!', help='?')
magic_suffixes = dict(help='?')
p = Parser(identifier_regex, function_call_regex, magic_prefixes,
info = p.parse_code('import nump')
assert info['help_obj'] == info['complete_obj'] == 'nump'
assert p.parse_code('%python impor', 0, 10)['magic']['name'] == 'python'
assert p.parse_code('oct(a,')['help_obj'] == 'oct'
assert p.parse_code('! ls')['magic']['name'] == 'shell'
info = p.parse_code('%help %lsmagic', 0, 10)
assert info['help_obj'] == '%lsmagic'
assert info['complete_obj'] == '%lsm'
info = p.parse_code('%%python\nprint("hello, world!",')
assert info['help_obj'] == 'print'
def test_scheme_parser():
identifier_regex = r'[^\d\W]\w*'
function_call_regex = r'\(([^\d\W][\w\.]*)[^\)\()]*\Z'
magic_prefixes = dict(magic='%', shell='!', help='?')
magic_suffixes = dict(help='?')
p = Parser(identifier_regex, function_call_regex, magic_prefixes,
info = p.parse_code('(oct a b ')
assert info['help_obj'] == 'oct'
def test_path_completions():
if not == 'nt':
code = '/usr/bi'
assert 'bin/' in _complete_path(code)
code = '~/.bashr'
assert '.bashrc' in _complete_path(code)
for f in os.listdir('.'):
if os.path.isdir(f):
assert f + os.sep in _complete_path('.')
assert f in _complete_path('.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# TODO: adjust how these are used by the kernel and affected magics
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dsblank commented Sep 14, 2014

Also, don't forget that languages like Scheme write their functions this way:

(oct a b c)

So, open paren in front, and no commas. Should also be able to do something useful perhaps for languages like Logo and Basic.

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Hmm, that one is tricky. We could instead use a regex for a function call. So, the default would be:
r'[^\d\W]\(\w*' and for Scheme it would be r'\([^\d\W]\w*')

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But how to tell if we are still inside the function or not...

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Ok, for python:'[^\d\W]\(\w*[^\)]*\Z', and for scheme:'\([^\d\W]\w*[^\)]*\Z'

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dsblank commented Sep 20, 2014

I think the idea of using kernel-defined regexes is the way to go (and I hope that that is the way that IPython will work for when to call the auto-help when calling a function to give help on args.)

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Updated with tests, including a Scheme test.

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dsblank commented Sep 20, 2014

Looking good!

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If you agree with the current implementation I'll go ahead and merge it.

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