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Add vray subdivision to multiple objects in Maya
#Run script in python view on script editor
#Select all objects that need apply vray subdivision
#Execute in maya python console makeVrayAttributes(1)
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
def makeVrayAttributes(startID=1):
sel =
for i in sel:
# get renderable shape nodes relative to transform, iterate through and apply subdivision
shapes = cmds.listRelatives(i,s=1,ni=1)
if shapes:
for s in shapes:
melCmd = "vray addAttributesFromGroup "+s+" vray_subdivision 1"
melCmd = "vray addAttributesFromGroup "+s+" vray_subquality 1"
# apply object ID to xform. i don't like giving individual shapes IDs.
melCmd = "vray addAttributesFromGroup "+i+" vray_objectID 1"
currentID += 1
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