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Created February 16, 2021 18:03
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function inject_createInteractiveBall() {
//Query assets in order to setup template
let assets = document.querySelector("a-assets");
// create a new template variable
let newTemplate = document.createElement("template");
// create template id = "interactable-ball-media";
// create a new entity for the template so we can append it to the assets later
// normally this is done in the Hubs.html "bootstrap" file
let newEntity = document.createElement("a-entity");
// setup the attributes for the template such and class and components that
// should be associated with the template entities
// set the class to interactable if you want interaction or some other class
// based on hubs interaction layers
newEntity.setAttribute("class", "interactable");
// for attributes with multiple objects in the schema it's easier to setup
// a varibable to hold the attribute and its values then create the node on
// the entity
// the body helper component allows you to setup dynamic attributes for physics
// interactions. the type can be dynamic or static. collision filters and
// masks are used to limit what objects can collide with. See the body-helper
// component for more information
let bh = document.createAttribute("body-helper");
bh.value = "type: dynamic; mass: 1; collisionFilterGroup: 1; collisionFilterMask: 15;";
// An object needs to have geometry in order to be visible and work with physics
// here we reuse the bh variable since the body helper node has been added to the entity. In this case we are creating the geometry attribute (see aframe docs)
bh = document.createAttribute("geometry");
// create a sphere geometry with a radius of 0.5 meters
bh.value = "primitive: sphere; radius: 0.5";
// reuse the same bh variable for a material attribute to color the geometry
bh = document.createAttribute("material");
// set the color to yellow. You can set a lot of things here, texture, shininess etc. See the aframe docs on materials
bh.value = "color:yellow;metalness:1.0;roughness:0.0;";
// set the unowned body kinematic component for the object since it's networked
// and physics related.
newEntity.setAttribute("set-unowned-body-kinematic", "");
// sets the remote hover target component on the object
newEntity.setAttribute("is-remote-hover-target", "");
// the tags component allows you to filter the collisions and interactable
// qualities of the entity. We can reuse bh to set all it's values
bh = document.createAttribute("tags")
// set it to be a hand collision target, holdable, give it a hand constraint, a remote constraint, and set to be inspectable with a right click.
bh.value = "isHandCollisionTarget: true; isHoldable: true; offersHandConstraint: true; offersRemoteConstraint: true; inspectable: true;";
// you can set the objects to be destroyed at extreme distances in order to avoid having a bunch of hard to find physics objects falling in your hub
newEntity.setAttribute("destroy-at-extreme-distances", "");
// sets whether the object can be scaled when you grab it. Check hubs docs or the component to see how it can be scaled in different modes
newEntity.setAttribute("scalable-when-grabbed", "");
// another component setup. Check it out in the components in src
newEntity.setAttribute("set-xyz-order", "");
// important! since the matrix auto update on objects in turned off by default
// in order to save compute power
newEntity.setAttribute("matrix-auto-update", "");
// whether this object has a hoverable visuals interaction. You may have to add additional child entities to the template to get this to show up. Check the component to see how it works
newEntity.setAttribute("hoverable-visuals", "");
// Important! This Component helps you set the collision shape for the object
// without it set on the actual entity which contains the mesh (set with the
// geometry component above in this case) the physics won't collide and the
// object will fall through the ground. Check the component for details
bh = document.createAttribute("shape-helper")
bh.value = "";
//add the listed-media component
newEntity.setAttribute("listed-media", "");
//add the camera-cube-env component
newEntity.setAttribute("camera-cube-env", "");
//Once all the attributes are setup on the entity you can append it to the template variable content created above.
// once the template is created you append it to the assets
// This sets up an update function for how often each networked entity needs to update
// position, rotation, or scale based on each transforms setting in the NAF schema.
// I'm not sure why it's not a utility function in NAF?
const vectorRequiresUpdate = epsilon => {
return () => {
let prev = null;
return curr => {
if (prev === null) {
prev = new THREE.Vector3(curr.x, curr.y, curr.z);
return true;
} else if (!NAF.utils.almostEqualVec3(prev, curr, epsilon)) {
return true;
return false;
// Add the new schema to NAF. and declare the networked components and their update
// sensitivity using the function above if they modify the transforms.
template: "#interactable-ball-media",
components: [
component: "position",
requiresNetworkUpdate: vectorRequiresUpdate(0.001)
component: "rotation",
requiresNetworkUpdate: vectorRequiresUpdate(0.5)
component: "scale",
requiresNetworkUpdate: vectorRequiresUpdate(0.001)
// we add the prefix inject_ to our utility functions to isolate them from the global namespace
// we add the prefix mod_ to this function to allow it to be targeted by the chat interface
function mod_addBall(){
if(document.querySelector("a-entity[camera-cube-env]") == null){
var el = document.createElement("a-entity")
el.setAttribute("networked", { template: "#interactable-ball-media" } )
el.object3D.position.y = 2;
console.log("a ball already exists");
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