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Created March 19, 2013 22:21
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scrollToPos ( yPos, opts, after );
Props to emilejs for nice handling of easing and callbacks.
opts.el - calculate positions
(in our case, we do that outside of this function already)
IE8+ ... el = (typeof el === 'string') ? document.querySelector(el) : el
use window.requestAnimationFrame instead of setInterval
- with polyfill of course
function scrollToPos(yPos, opts, after){
var opts = opts || {},
duration = opts.duration || 600,
threshold = opts.threshold || 100,
easing = opts.easing || function(pos){return(-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/2)+0.5;},
startTime = +new Date,
finish = startTime + duration,
startY = isNaN(window.pageYOffset) ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset,
distance = yPos - startY;
if (Math.abs(distance) < threshold) {
window.scrollTo(0, yPos);
var interval = setInterval(function(){
var time = +new Date,
pos = time > finish ? 1 : (time-startTime) / duration;
window.scrollTo(0, startY + distance * easing(pos));
if(time > finish) {
opts.after && opts.after();
after && setTimeout(after,1);
}, 15);
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