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Björn bjoern-r

  • Berlin; Germany
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scivision / CMakeLists.txt
Last active October 20, 2022 10:14
CMake find_library force static search
# CMake find_library() defaults to shared library before static.
# this order can be programatically set as below.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
project(demo LANGUAGES C)
# arbitrary library to demo search
set(libname msvcrt)
mrlnc /
Last active November 7, 2023 12:55
Jamesits /
Last active May 6, 2024 08:30
Let's Encrypt cert requesting and signing (using for Cisco ASA / AnyConnect
set -Eeuo pipefail
# Automatic cert requesting and signing for Cisco ASA
# Requirements
# - Domain hosted in Aliyun DNS (for other DNS services, adjust the arguments)
# - ASA with rest-agent enabled
# - Local computer: openssl, git, ca-certificates
set -e
yvesh /
Last active July 27, 2024 11:44
Proxmox 6.1 ZFS native full disk (ZFS root) encryption.

Simple guide for fulldisk encryption with Proxmox and ZFS native encryption

Install normally using the installer, after the setup reboot into recovery mode (from the USB stick). Make sure to install in UEFI mode (you need systemd-boot).

If the USB stick is not working for you, because of the old Kernel version (2.6.x), you can also use an Ubuntu 19.10 / 20.04 boot stick. ZFS suport is enabled there out of the box.


yvesh / gist:64ec1f64e3c7c26497282b776348f662
Created December 19, 2019 11:49
Proxmox LXC Arch Linux Container with passed through GPU, KVM, sound, keyboard etc. (Xorg with amdgpu working), Looking Glass Host - Linux Main OS in a container
arch: amd64
cores: 24
features: fuse=1,mount=nfs;cifs,nesting=1
hostname: archxorg
memory: 64000
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,hwaddr=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.XX,ip=dhcp,type=veth
ostype: archlinux
rootfs: local-zfs:subvol-100-disk-0,size=500G
swap: 512
lxc.autodev: 1
Informatic / domain.xml
Last active August 23, 2024 08:39
How to use Windows 10 OEM license in libvirt VM (<smbios mode='host' /> does not work as Windows seems to verify UUID; apparmor/security configuration changes may be needed)
<domain type='kvm' xmlns:qemu=''>
<!-- ... -->
<qemu:arg value='-acpitable'/>
<qemu:arg value='file=/some/path/slic.bin'/>
<qemu:arg value='-acpitable'/>
<qemu:arg value='file=/some/path/msdm.bin'/>
<qemu:arg value='-smbios'/>
<qemu:arg value='file=/some/path/smbios_type_0.bin'/>
<qemu:arg value='-smbios'/>
henridf /
Last active May 29, 2024 22:08
Encoding a protobuf with `protoc --encode`

I needed to quickly encode a protobuf from the command-line, and while I pretty much immediately came across protoc --encode as the obvious solution, I did not find much documentation on the input textual syntax.

Here is the relevant snippet from protoc --help:

--encode=MESSAGE_TYPE       Read a text-format message of the given type
                              from standard input and write it in binary
                              to standard output.  The message type must
                              be defined in PROTO_FILES or their imports.
derpeter /
Created October 14, 2017 01:50
reencode all video files in an folder that a bigger than a configured value to save disk space
find $IN_DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -size +$MIN_SIZE -exec ffmpeg -y -i {} -c:v libx264 -preset slow -tune film -profile:v high -level 4.2 -crf 23 -c:a copy -c:s copy $OUT_DIR/{} \;
derpeter / gist:306452b1b6a8c569690a43de49145d8b
Last active October 22, 2017 09:41
reencode unsupported audio codec to a second audio track
ffmpeg -y -i in.mkv -map 0:v -c:v copy -map 0:a:0 -c:a:0 copy -map 0:a:0 -c:a:0 ac3 out.mkv