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Last active July 24, 2024 15:40
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PowerShell: Esri-related
#Requires -Version 5.1
# Reference: 1)
# Reference: 2)
# Reference: 3)
# Reference: 4)
# Example 1: A function to convert Esri Cartographic Information Model (CIM) XML to a custom PSObject
# that has a property for each field in the XML content.
function ConvertFrom-EsriXml {
The ConvertFrom-EsriXML function converts an Esri-based XML Document or
XML Element into a custom PSObject that has a property for each XML
attribute and node.
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -is [Xml.XmlElement] -or $_ -is [Xml.XmlDocument] })]
process {
if ($Xml -is [Xml.XmlDocument]) {
return (ConvertFrom-EsriXML -Xml $Xml.DocumentElement)
else {
$Properties = @{}
foreach ($Attribute in $Xml.Attributes) {
if ($Attribute.LocalName -ne "type") { continue }
$Name = $Attribute.LocalName
$Value = $Attribute.('#text').Replace("typens:", "")
if ($Value.StartsWith("ArrayOf")) {
$Value = $Value.Replace("ArrayOf", "")
if ($Value -in "String", "Double", "Int") {
$Type = $Value -as [type]
[array]$Array = foreach ($Item in $Xml.$Value) {
[Convert]::ChangeType($Item, $Type)
else {
[array]$Array = foreach ($Item in $Xml.$Value) {
ConvertFrom-EsriXml -Xml $Item
if (-not $Array) { $Array = @() }
return ,$Array
$Properties[$Name] = $Value
foreach ($Node in $Xml.ChildNodes) {
$Name = $Node.LocalName
$Value = $Node.('#text')
if ($Node.HasAttributes) {
$Value = ConvertFrom-EsriXml -Xml $Node
else {
$Value = switch -regex ($Value) {
"^true$" { $true; break }
"^false$" { $false; break }
"^[+-]?\d+$" { [int64]$_; break }
"^[+-]?((\d*\.\d+)|(\d+\.\d*))$" { [double]$_; break }
"^[+-]?\d*\.\d+[eE][+-]?\d+$" { [double]$_; break }
default { $_ }
if ($Properties[$Name]) {
$Properties[$Name] = $Properties[$Name], $Value | ForEach-Object { $_ }
else {
$Properties[$Name] = $Value
return [pscustomobject]$Properties
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