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import groovy.json.JsonOutput
/** Tox environment */
def config = 'e2e-tests/tox.ini'
def environment = 'tests'
/** Map of desired capabilities */
def capabilities = [
browserName: 'Firefox',
version: '47.0',
platform: 'Windows 10'
/** Write capabilities to JSON file
* @param desiredCapabilities capabilities to include in the file
def writeCapabilities(desiredCapabilities) {
def defaultCapabilities = [
build: env.BUILD_TAG,
public: 'public restricted'
def capabilities = defaultCapabilities.clone()
def json = JsonOutput.toJson([capabilities: capabilities])
writeFile file: 'e2e-tests/capabilities.json', text: json
/** Run Tox
* @param environment test environment to run
def runTox(config, environment) {
def options = env.PYTEST_ADDOPTS ?: ''
def processes = env.PYTEST_PROCESSES ?: 'auto'
try {
wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper']) {
$class: 'StringBinding',
credentialsId: 'SAUCELABS_API_KEY',
variable: 'SAUCELABS_API_KEY']]) {
withEnv(["PYTEST_ADDOPTS=${options} " +
"-n=${processes} " +
"--driver=SauceLabs " +
"--variables=capabilities.json " +
"--color=yes"]) {
sh "tox -c ${config} -e ${environment}"
} catch(err) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
throw err
} finally {
stash name: environment, includes: 'e2e-tests/results/**'
/** Send a notice to #fxtest-alerts on with the build result
* @param result outcome of build
def ircNotification(result) {
def nick = "fxtest${BUILD_NUMBER}"
def channel = '#fx-test-alerts'
result = result.toUpperCase()
def message = "Project ${JOB_NAME} build #${BUILD_NUMBER}: ${result}: ${BUILD_URL}"
node {
sh """
echo NICK ${nick}
echo USER ${nick} 8 * : ${nick}
sleep 5
echo "JOIN ${channel}"
echo "NOTICE ${channel} :${message}"
echo QUIT
) | openssl s_client -connect
stage('Checkout') {
node {
timestamps {
checkout scm
stash name: 'workspace'
stage('Lint') {
node {
timestamps {
unstash 'workspace'
sh "tox -c ${config} -e flake8"
try {
stage('Test') {
node {
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') {
timestamps {
unstash 'workspace'
try {
runTox(config, environment)
} catch(err) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
throw err
} finally {
stash name: environment, includes: 'e2e-tests/results/**'
} catch(err) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
body: "${BUILD_URL}",
from: "",
replyTo: "",
subject: "Build failed in Jenkins: ${JOB_NAME} #${BUILD_NUMBER}",
to: "")
throw err
} finally {
stage('Results') {
node {
unstash environment
publishHTML(target: [
allowMissing: false,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
keepAll: true,
reportDir: 'e2e-tests/results',
reportFiles: "${environment}.html",
reportName: 'HTML Report'])
junit 'e2e-tests/results/*.xml'
archiveArtifacts 'e2e-tests/results/*'
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