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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Union Find data structures implemented as Lazy Unions with optimizations(Union By Rank and Path Compressions)
package util
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class DisjointSet[Element] {
private val parent = new HashMap[Element, Element]
private val rank = new HashMap[Element, Int]
/* number of Elements in the Data structure */
def size = parent.size
/* Add an Element to the collection */
def +=(x: Element) = add(x)
def ++(x: Element) = add(x)
def add(x: Element) {
parent += (x -> x)
rank += (x -> 0)
/* Union of two Sets which contain x and y */
def union(x: Element, y: Element) {
val s = find(x)
val t = find(y)
if(s == t) return
if(rank(s) > rank(t)) parent += (t -> s)
if (rank(s) == rank(t)) rank(t) += 1
parent += (s -> t)
/* Find the set/root of the tree containing given Element x */
def find(x: Element): Element = {
if(parent(x) == x) x
parent += (x -> find(parent(x)))
/* check the connectivity between two Elements */
def isConnected(x: Element, y:Element): Boolean = find(x) == find(y)
/* toString method */
override def toString: String = parent.toString
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