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Last active May 14, 2021 08:32
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Principal component analysis in python.
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
Performs the Principal Coponent analysis of the Matrix X
Matrix must be n * m dimensions
where n is # features
m is # examples
def PCA(X, varRetained = 0.95, show = False):
# Compute Covariance Matrix Sigma
(n, m) = X.shape
Sigma = 1.0 / m * X * np.transpose(X)
# Compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues of Sigma
U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(Sigma, full_matrices = True)
# compute the value k: number of minumum features that
# retains the given variance
sTot = np.sum(s)
var_i = np.array([np.sum(s[: i + 1]) / \
sTot * 100.0 for i in range(n)])
k = len(var_i[var_i < (varRetained * 100)])
print '%.2f %% variance retained in %d dimensions' \
% (var_i[k], k)
# plot the variance plot
if show:
plt.xlabel('Number of Features')
plt.ylabel(' Percentage Variance retained')
plt.title('PCA $\% \sigma^2 $ vs # features')
# compute the reduced dimensional features by projction
U_reduced = U[:, : k]
Z = np.transpose(U_reduced) * X
return Z, U_reduced
import csv as csv
import numpy as np
import Activation, logReg, optim, loadData
# reading from csv
print 'Loading Training Data'
csv_train = csv.reader(open('../data/train.csv', 'rb'))
header =
data = [[map(int, row[1:]), [int(row[0])]] for row in csv_train]
train = loadData.Data()
train.loadList(data, numClasses = 10)
train.NormalizeScale(factor = 255.0)
# PCA of training set
print 'Performing PCA - Principal COmponent Analysis'
import npPCA
Z, U_reduced = npPCA.PCA(train.X, varRetained = 0.95, show = True)
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Principal Component Analysis implemented in python.

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sensingcosmos commented Jul 4, 2017

Hi Bistaumanga,
I am trying to use the function in one of my simulation. I am getting the following error:

Performing PCA - Principal COmponent Analysis
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 187, in
Fg_pca_fitted, Fg_pca_reduced = fgutil_simu.PCA_NU(tod_xx_mask_freq_time, varRetained = 0.95, show = False) # Freq, Time
File "/home/abhik/IM/MeerKat_IM/1_F_Noise/Meerkat-1-f-Noise/", line 114, in PCA_NU
Sigma = 1.0 / m * X * np.transpose(X)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/ma/", line 4003, in mul
return multiply(self, other)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/ma/", line 1016, in call
result = self.f(da, db, *args, **kwargs)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (526,4150) (4150,526)

If I change Sigma calculation to "Sigma = 1.0 / m * (" it seems to run....Do you think it is ok ? Thanks.

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great work but if you are using svd, we don't need to calculate the co-variance matrix or scatter matrix see :

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Hey, the value for sigma which you've used is doing element-wise multiplication rather matrix multiplication

Sigma = 1.0 / m * X * np.transpose( X )
Sigma = 1.0 / m * , X.T)

Similarly, Z matrix in your code.
I hope it helps.

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Hey, the value for sigma which you've used is doing element-wise multiplication rather matrix multiplication

Sigma = 1.0 / m * X * np.transpose( X )
Sigma = 1.0 / m * , X.T)

Similarly, Z matrix in your code.
I hope it helps.

Considering that X is matrix-type, The original code is correct.
X and transpose(x) are doing element-wise multiplication only if X is an array.

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