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Last active January 17, 2016 16:15
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How do I fix the 'cannot decide' error in the opt function?
module LittleLang where
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat
data type : Set where
tNat tBool : type
data exp : type Set where
nat : exp tNat
plus : exp tNat exp tNat exp tNat
bool : Bool exp tBool
and : exp tBool exp tBool exp tBool
fromType : type Set
fromType tNat =
fromType tBool = Bool
eval : {t : type} exp t fromType t
eval (nat n) = n
eval (plus n m) = eval n + eval m
eval (bool b) = b
eval (and a b) = eval a ∧ eval b
opt : {t : type} exp t exp t
opt (nat n) = nat n
opt (plus n m) with opt n | opt m
... | nat 0 | y = y
... | x | nat 0 = x
... | x | y = plus x y
opt (bool b) = bool b
opt (and a b) with opt a | opt b
... | bool true | y = y
... | x | bool true = x
... | x | y = and x y
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Even though there's no way to construct a plus term with type exp Bool, the compiler says it cannot decide if there should be a case for the bool constructor. How do/Can I fix this?

If I make the appropriate changes to accomodate with eval n | eval m everything type checks fine, but the program is essentially being fully evaluated (which isn't what I want).

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Thanks to @pigworker. I had to introduce a datatype to encode the types that LittleLang operates on and index exp by that.

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