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Paul Bird birdyboy18

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mwpastore /
Last active September 22, 2024 06:12
Lightning Fast WordPress: Caddy+Varnish+PHP-FPM


This gist assumes you are migrating an existing site for — ideally WordPress — to a new server — ideally Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS — and wish to enable HTTP/2 (backwards compatibile with HTTP/1.1) with always-on HTTPS, caching, compression, and more. Although these instructions are geared towards WordPress, they should be trivially extensible to other PHP frameworks, other FastCGI backends, and even non-FastCGI backends (using proxy in lieu of fastcgi in the terminal Caddyfile stanza).

Quickstart: Use your own naked and canonical domain names instead of and and customize the Caddyfile and VCL provided in this gist to your preferences!

These instructions target Varnish Cache 4.1, PHP-FPM 7.0, and Caddy 0.10. (I'm using MariaDB 10.1 as well, but that's not relevant to this guide.)

isogram /
Created April 8, 2016 09:50
How to manually install Wktohtmlpdf and Wkhtmltoimage in Ubuntu Server

How to Install Wkhtmltopdf and Wkhtmltoimage in Ubuntu

tar -xvf wkhtmltox-0.12.3_linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz
cd wkhtmltox/bin/
sudo mv wkhtmltopdf  /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf
sudo mv wkhtmltoimage  /usr/bin/wkhtmltoimage
max-mykhailenko / # Sublime Emmet JSX
Last active November 25, 2022 23:25
Sublime text 3. Enable Emmet in JSX files with Sublime React plugin

This is no longer needed as Emmet supports JSX - you just need to turn it all on. Did a quick tutorial:

Thanks, @wesbos


  • Using emmet in jsx files
  • Emmet expands text when js autocomplete needed
soheilhy /
Last active September 19, 2024 06:16
How to proxy web apps using nginx?

Virtual Hosts on nginx (CSC309)

When hosting our web applications, we often have one public IP address (i.e., an IP address visible to the outside world) using which we want to host multiple web apps. For example, one may wants to host three different web apps respectively for,, and on the same machine using a single IP address.

How can we do that? Well, the good news is Internet browsers

lavoiesl / subdirectory_loader.php
Last active September 5, 2024 01:41
MU plugins subdirectory loader. Enables the loading of plugins sitting in mu-plugins (as folders)
* Plugin Name: MU plugins subdirectory loader
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Enables the loading of plugins sitting in mu-plugins (as folders)
* Version: 0.1
* Author:
* Author URI:
jmdobry /
Last active August 31, 2021 18:21
Nginx reverse-proxy for RethinkDB Admin UI

Start your rethinkdb instance with this flag: --bind all (or bind=all in the configuration file for your instance)

Block external access to the web UI with these two commands: sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DROP sudo iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -s -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

Install nginx: sudo apt-get install nginx

kkirsche / Install Composer to use MAMP's
Last active January 30, 2024 02:30
How to install Composer globally using MAMP's PHP

##Create an alias to MAMP's PHP installation

To do this, we can simply create an alias for our bash profile. We'll be doing this is nano, though you can do it in vim or a number of other editors as well.

Within the terminal, run:

nano ~/.bash_profile

This will open nano with the contents, at the top in a blank line add the following line:

jonathanmoore / gist:2640302
Created May 8, 2012 23:17
Get the share counts from various APIs

Share Counts

I have always struggled with getting all the various share buttons from Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, etc to align correctly and to not look like a tacky explosion of buttons. Seeing a number of sites rolling their own share buttons with counts, for example The Next Web I decided to look into the various APIs on how to simply return the share count.

If you want to roll up all of these into a single jQuery plugin check out Sharrre

Many of these API calls and methods are undocumented, so anticipate that they will change in the future. Also, if you are planning on rolling these out across a site I would recommend creating a simple endpoint that periodically caches results from all of the APIs so that you are not overloading the services will requests.


luetkemj / wp-query-ref.php
Last active September 14, 2024 13:06
WP: Query $args
// This gist is now maintained on github at
* WordPress Query Comprehensive Reference
* Compiled by luetkemj -
* Source: